molly conger Profile picture
i’m just the note taker. she/her. the cop reading this is wasting tax dollars
2 subscribers
Oct 9, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
i’m gonna be a little late & i’ll have to duck out early to switch to the CRB meeting at 6:30 but damn if i wasn’t just thinkin’ about those streetscapes this morning! oh nice, the planning commission meeting is being streamed!
Oct 9, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
just another completely normal day here in charlottesville. attorney richard harry appeared before judge moore this morning to withdraw in the washington v fields et al civil suit... because he was never actually retained by any of the defendants the apparent forgery of the attorney’s signature, perhaps by jason kessler, came to light back in august…
Oct 8, 2018 81 tweets 14 min read
some dixie defenders here in the gallery at the richmond city council meeting tonight. they’re expected to vote on whether or not to ask the legislature to allow the city to decide what to do about the confederate monuments.… to be clear: this isn’t a vote on what to actually DO about the monuments, just to ask the state for permission to decide locally.
Oct 7, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
steve “we can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies” king, who has unapologetically RTed david duke, is just a few days away from tweeting out the 14 words. y'all remember the time steve king asked what non-white people have ever contributed to civilization?

Oct 5, 2018 29 tweets 6 min read
after wandering this weird industrial office space for twenty minutes, i finally found the albemarle county school board meeting by following all the cops. this space has everything you need in a meeting venue: difficult to find, dark, terrible acoustics, not very many chairs
Oct 4, 2018 38 tweets 8 min read
pretty pumped to be at a school board meeting i didn’t feel the need to warn my lawyer i’d be at charlottesville city school board: theater kids singing a selection from the heathers musical to celebrate a grant that will send them on a trip to NYC
albemarle county school board: a plainclothes cop punching my friend in the face
Oct 4, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
another thing mainstream republicans and open nazis have in common. every time i’ve ever openly discussed being a sexual assault survivor, i’m greeted by a chorus of fascists arguing i’m too ugly to rape. rape isn't about attraction. it's about violence.
Oct 4, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
james alex fields appeared briefly in court this afternoon. there were pretrial motions on the 10am docket, but the judge met with counsel for a two hour pretrial conference in chambers. no motions were heard. judge moore just exited the courthouse, asking me on his way out, “was it worth staying?” of the two hours i sat in the courtroom while they met in chambers. it was not! but you never know.
Oct 4, 2018 7 tweets 3 min read
this is a shorter version of the email @DemSocialists just sent members. "you'll make DSA look bad" is a weird way to express concern about members getting harassed and threatened after being doxxed by a dangerous right wing org, maria.
Oct 3, 2018 25 tweets 4 min read
i spend so much time outside the police station that sometimes when i turn my car on, my phone suggests helping me navigate there chief brackney comin’ out hard with the passive aggression at jeff fogel’s requests for stop & frisk data
Oct 2, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
i've watched exactly 2 minutes of the corey stewart/tim kaine debate and i'd rather attend 50 hours of planning commission meetings than continue viewing this. they asked corey stewart about confederate monuments and his answer was about SAT scores of asian american students? what the fuck is even happening.
Oct 2, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
huh super weird this nazi ended up with federal charges after attending a meetup orchestrated by self-proclaimed federal informant chris cantwell
Oct 2, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
the boys over on gab are having a meltdown over this afternoon's press conference, but life goes on here in charlottesville -- i've got a planning commission work session to struggle to pay attention to. sadly this is taking place at the same time as the tree commission meeting. a staff member is filling the commission in on how last night’s city council meeting went. several of the agenda items were things the commission had issued recommendations on - upzoning of the property on carlton, the SUP for the hotel on emmet
Oct 2, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
let me into your press conference, you cowards. the language of the announcement is very vague. they say multiple arrests were made. the press conference will be held *inside* the federal courthouse at 2pm.…
Oct 1, 2018 126 tweets 20 min read
tonight is the first charlottesville city council meeting under this new arrangement. it’s a confusing choice. the meeting, which predictably hasn’t started yet, can be watched live here

Oct 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
charlottesville city council will be in closed session for two hours before tonight's public meeting, which is a shame because you really only get about 2 hours, max, of coherent cooperation from kathy galvin before she goes into meltdown mode. former clerk of council-turned-chief of staff paige rice resigned last month — one of the items on tonight’s consent agenda is naming her interim replacement.
Oct 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
shit’s about to get spooky 🎃 i don’t even care about halloween, i just wanna dress up my hallo-wieners
Oct 1, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
was this really four months ago? seems like just yesterday that daniel borden was entering his guilty plea for the assault on deandre harris last august 12th. his sentencing hearing will be tomorrow morning. for the same incident, jacob goodwin was sentenced to ten years and alex ramos to six. felony malicious wounding carries a possible sentence of between two and twenty years. due to his very young age & guilty plea, borden will likely see something on the lower end.
Sep 24, 2018 20 tweets 3 min read
i don’t know if this will be interesting at all, but subjecting myself to public board meetings is my passion. you can tell a meeting isn’t typically well attended when the agenda has 5 total minutes allotted for announcements & public comment.
Sep 20, 2018 9 tweets 4 min read
call the orange county, nc DA's office and demand they drop the charges against antiracist activists arrested in connection with protests at the silent sam stump.
call. leave a message. tell your friends. fill their voicemail. tie up their lines. not sure what to say? here are some ideas.

Sep 18, 2018 69 tweets 14 min read
i know you’re all on the edge of your seats - i AM running a few minutes late but i WILL be livetweeting this albemarle county school board meeting for the next few hours. matt haas is reading a statement about collaboration with the city school board to “be more unified in our efforts” re: diversity. i hope he means it — the city school board does actually appear committed to hearing the concerns of antiracists.