Daniel Sohege Profile picture
Director of Stand For All. Specialist in international refugee and human rights law and immigration economics. #ActuallyAutistic. Personal account, my own views
May 28, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
This misses the fairly unique issues which refugee children face. ORR does need to track and monitor the children it is responsible for to ensure they get the assistance they need and can gain formal refugee status is applicable, the issue is that they don't do that. To claim as this thread does that we shouldn't be concerned about #WhereAreTheChildren because they are better off being hidden away by family members may be well intentioned, however, it ignores the higher risk factors which affect refugee children than other groups.
Feb 10, 2018 14 tweets 5 min read
My time as a journalist taught me to disbelieve two things above all else, that the cheque is in the post and coincidences, with that in mind I have a little something to say about the @oxfamgb story.... 1/14 The actions of those staff members involved are without a doubt disgraceful and deserve full condemnation, however, the way in which the story has been latched onto to provide cover for a full government review of all the government's work with @Oxfam seems, timely. 2/14
Dec 20, 2017 11 tweets 3 min read
In real terms America has been declining as a hegemon for some time. Trump, and his cadre, don't seem to appreciate that in a multipolar world the USA has lost its ability to force its will on others. theguardian.com/us-news/2017/d… Yes America still has power, but that has been decreasing since the end of the cold war and Trump's accession to President has only exacerbated the speed at which it become a relative international irrelevance.....
Dec 18, 2017 12 tweets 2 min read
Barnier: NA bespoke deal for UK is impossible
EU27: We agree that UK can't have a bespoke deal.
UK: We're going to have a bespoke deal.

It's almost as though the government hasn't listened to a word the EU has said since Brexit began 1/n The argument put forward by the government is that a bespoke deal would be in both the UK's and EU's best interests, and if this was a bilateral agreement between two nations that may be the case. 2/n
Nov 30, 2017 20 tweets 3 min read
Thread: @ONS published its latest immigration statistics today and, much as the far right may disagree, it isn't good news for the UK 1/19 Immigration remains higher than emigration, which considering the UK's current employment rate and ageing population is at least something to be thankful for. That is where the good news ends though 2/19
Nov 28, 2017 15 tweets 3 min read
Aside from Davis failing to provide the #Brexit bills as ordered, the other take away from this piece is Patel claiming government should tell EU to sod off, both demonstrating they still don't get UK's weakness in negotiations 1/n
theguardian.com/politics/2017/… All the people claiming UK should just walk away from the table and show Johnny Foreigner just how strong the UK is miss one crucial point, the UK isn't strong anymore 2/n
Nov 12, 2017 11 tweets 3 min read
Brexit level delusions are getting worse. You cannot claim it is ridiculous that UK has internal border due to something you helped create, while claiming the idea of forcing our idiotic idea for Brexit on another country isn't. 1 This is the problem which some Brexiters have. They are so wrapped up in their fantasy that Brexit is the promised land that they see no issues with dragging anyone else down to achieve it. 2