☀️🔥TANAY🔥 ☀️ Profile picture
never chase it let it come to you
Tommy Kohl Profile picture 1 subscribed
Oct 2, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
💸💸💸 thread: 8 EZ Storytelling outlines 🔥

Here’s a couple timeless storytelling outlines that will ethically force people to love you or your brand:

1. A major change to pursue a dream

Ex: I sold all my possessions and moved to Timbuktu to mine emeralds 2. Rise from Rock Bottom

Ex: My ex girlfriend stole all my money, stabbed me, and left me bleeding in a back alley of St. Louis. Now I’m a gazillionaire

3. When I was (age) I knew x things

Ex: when I was 20 I knew one thing-
I couldn’t be flipping burgers for my whole life
Sep 12, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
100%. Everyone should try it imo.

To help with the other people part, here's a Secret Method of how I Ethically Farm STARVING Markets from Twitter: (HIGH LEVEL SAUCE) 🔥

Step 1. Go to twitter.com/search-advanced
This is a very useful resource that's criminally underutilized imo. Step 2. Think of phrases that describe pain points.
"I wish there was"
"pain in the ass"
"I hate when"
"Why isn't there"
"Why hasn't anybody"

Step 3. Now mix and match, and farm up all the pain points your little head desires. You should have something like this 👇
Sep 8, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
How to Unfuck yourself in a Generation of Instant Gratification (A thread) 🐉🔥

Nowadays, kids at scary young ages have their lives intertwined with technology.

Everytime you check your texts, then your social media, then your emails, etc,
you create a behavioral loop. And the problem with this behavioral loop is that as it turns into routine, it actually destroys your ability for "focused attention" at an alarming rate.

I realized I had this problem when I realized I couldn't even watch a TV show without constantly checking my phone.
Sep 7, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
How To Plan & Execute Goals like a Billionaire (IMPROMPTU THREAD 🔥):

Step 1: Write down everything you want. Literally everything. From the Lambos to the Yachts to the Trips around the world. Or whatever floats your boat.

Step 2: Google search and find out how much they cost Step 3: Now you have a rough estimate of how much you need to make to get your dream lifestyle

Step 4: Ask yourself, how am I going to achieve this? Write down the first 5 things that come to mind. It doesn't matter if it's dropshipping, or becoming a prostitute. Write it down.
Aug 31, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
WTF is up with these fucking idiots in my DMs.

Because I'm in a forgiving mood, I won't expose your actual name. Don't ever dm me again.

So basically dude is mad as hell because he thinks @ComedicBizman and @schm7dt are scammers. 😂

Here's what you should learn from this: Look under any big figure in the entrepreneur or fitness niche, and you'll see THOUSANDS of people fighting tooth and nail in the comments about the figure's authenticity.

Look at Tai Lopez for example. Thousands of people have made videos "exposing" him for faking shit.
Aug 30, 2018 11 tweets 4 min read

Why you shouldn't care what anybody else thinks and/or not feel bad for being selfish:👇👇👇👇

Ingrain this phrase into your head:

Every. Single. Person. Has. An. Agenda. Now, let's go back for a bit to a time before animal rights laws were in place.

An experiment was done sometime in the 70s, which involved a group of monkey mothers and their offspring.

They were placed into a room, and the heat of the floor slowly rose.

Aug 28, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
So a misguided soul send me the message you see below in the DMs. Consider this your response.

First of all, I think you're having a lot of confirmation bias. You're looking for events to fit your narrative, and when you see a couple, you automatically assume you're doomed. 1/4 I honestly believe the business world is the least racist.

Nobody cares that I'm an Indian guy. They care that I can give them something of value.

Literally thats all it is. Offer your customers value, I promise you they won't care if you're a fucking Martian.
Aug 9, 2018 12 tweets 2 min read
While I was on my little excursion today, I saw a lot of cool places, and met a lot of cool people.

I decided to ask random people

“What is the meaning of life?”

And record their answers.

Tbh, I don’t know the lesson here.

But... enjoy this thread anyway 🔥: Ryan, 26, Lawyer

“Damn.. that’s a bit too deep for me haha. I’ve never really thought about it, but the best answer I can give you is... life’s just a huge journey to find meaning.”
Aug 9, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Feelin like adventure today. Ima see how high up I can get in San Francisco just acting like I know what I'm doing.

I'll keep yall posted 😂 Well, I got kicked out of the first hotel. Time to ask the best tour guides in the world: Locals
Aug 5, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
⚠️⚠️50 Things you SHOULDN’T do if you want a better life:⚠️⚠️

1: Put yourself down

2. Break your word

3. Cheat

4. Gossip

5. Complain

6. Worry about things out of your control

7. Accept the narrative society has forced on you

8. Consume more than you produce 9. Have a scarcity mindset

10. Think material things = happiness

11. Go through life without a plan or a vision

12. Take life too seriously

13. Wish for things but don’t act towards them

14. Make generalizations based on your experiences
Jul 25, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Recently, I was struggling with motivation.

So, I hopped on a train. I saw people of all shapes, colors, and sizes taking the commute to work.

What was the common factor?
They were all dead inside.

I could see it in their eyes.
Harrowing, but refreshing. However, there was one woman who was different.

Green eyes, beautiful, a bit of a larger frame.
She was smiling. She was happy.

So I talked to her. Her name was Diane.

I asked her, "What advice would you give to others if you could give one thing?

And she said,
Jul 23, 2018 18 tweets 6 min read
🔥 Lessons learned from Hip Hop: A thread🔥

I got this idea from @schm7dt talking about this on his snapchat stories a long time ago, and the G Tristan Tate (RIP)

I always say Opportunity is literally everywhere.

Learning opportunity is no different. Song 1: "Long Live the Chief" - Jidenna 💯

"You can either sink, swim or be the captain"
Take responsibility for yourself. Be ruthless with it. Or you sink.

"Always been about time more than been about pay"
It's been said so much for a reason. Separate time from money.
Jul 18, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
🔥 Some axioms for life 🔥

-If she friendzones you, stop talking to her.

-If she cheats on you, no matter what she says, leave her and never look back.

-Don't hide your interest in her, don't make it obvious

-Take what you want from life, don't be lazy -Never get back with an ex, even if it is a brief hookup

-Walk slowly and confidently, don't look down, look people in the eye

-Have you noticed that some people just look like spergs? Here's why:
1. Anterior pelvic tilt 2. Forward Head Posture
Research these and fix them
Jul 18, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Unpopular opinion:

Unless it directly affects you, stop investing so much energy and time into it.

Example: Politics

It's good to know which side of the fence you stand, but pointless internet or even irl arguments about literally wont do shit. Understand this about people. Everybody you argue with will find some way in their head to justify themselves.

Rarely any argument actually results in a change of view of your opponent.

The only way people change their view is actual action or results.
Jul 17, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
🔥🔥Wanna know how I got rid of my bad habits? 🔥🔥

This might be one of the most powerful things I've given out on twitter.

It's simple.

Assume that you right now are the 1.0 version of yourself.

Now, deeply visualize the 10.0 version of yourself. Your ideal self.

The super successful, super fit, super (blank) version of yourself.

Whatever your vision for yourself is, the you that has achieved it.

As @ArmaniTalks says, write it down and solidify it in your mind.
Jul 12, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read

Domain Names

If you can see a trend before it blows up, this is easy money. Simply buy a url, and resell it for insane ROI when the time is right.

Examples: -The walmart yodeling kid who blew up a while back. When he got invited to coachella, his parents definitely saw the money in him and tried to make him an actual star. So what could you have done?

Buy the domain masonramsey.com (his name) for under $20. Resell for $500+
Jul 5, 2018 17 tweets 6 min read
🔥🔥 A Conversation with the CFO of Goldman-Sachs🔥🔥

A while ago, I had the chance to have a discussion with the CFO of Goldman-Sachs, Martin Chavez. This is what he told me.

An Exclusive thread about success, wealth, the nature of reality and well being: 1) Serendipity

A lot of people see someone successful and say, "Damn, he's so lucky."

Luck = being in the right place + right time.

Martin told me that the word they are really looking for is:

Serendipity = being prepared + being in the right place + right time.
Jun 17, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Life is a video game. Realizing this broke me out of video game addiction.
-Your XP is time.
-Your character abilities all start on dif. levels based on certain genetics(what class you are)
-The only way to level up any ability is XP
Whatever you put your time into, LEVELS UP There are many abilities that deserve your XP, based on your character’s quest, such as :
-A sport
-A passion/craft
-A money-making/ money-managing technique
-Spirituality / Self Connection
-Great Relationships with people that boost you up
May 4, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Thread: High Places
I have a challenge for all reading: Conquer a high place. Whether it be a rooftop in a bustling city, or an aging tree in the forest, you will be amazed at what it can do for your mind. I'm confident that an explorer like @GoldmundUnleash would advocate. 2) Make sure it isn't some pussy shit like climbing up some stairs and looking over a guardrail. Do some actual conquering. Find a creative way to get up to a high place, challenge your body a little bit.