Professional Martian 🔴 Former ops/science team @NASAPersevere @MarsCuriosity @MarsRovers+more 🚀 Current Fellow @OuterSpaceInst & @aurelia_labs 🌈🇺🇸🇨🇦
Jul 1, 2018 • 21 tweets • 15 min read
Tonight at #GA2018, @elakdawalla is giving the Helen Sawyer Hogg Public Lecture on “ The Golden Age of Space Exploration.” Good crowd here!
.@elakdawalla: Pluto’s moon Charon was discovered 40 years ago this week! #GA2018
Jul 14, 2017 • 54 tweets • 22 min read
It's been awhile since I dropped a thread o' #Mars, so let's try something different today... 1. The hues of #Mars' surface are generally thanks to dust cover—or (relative) lack thereof. Lighter areas = dusty, darker = less dusty.