How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App, or "Joker" ends up being a lot of industry pros (some big names involved in this) venting their hangups about the current popularity of comic flicks via a parody of what they think the genre is; which seldom ends well."No, it's okay. We should all be fine because apparently everything is family-friendly n-" an avid advocate of a post-religious (as far as societal-structure and governance - do whatever you want with your weekends) but also someone who'd prefer NOT to have unnecessary violent conflict; my hope was that by the time it came to make "post-Roe" hard-law... union credit rules are a goddamn shadow-war, and most fans would be ASTONISHED how many times names you know are said to have "fixed" giant parts of movies you've seen and you never saw their names. All the time with scripts, but directing too...