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Executive Strategy | Sustainable Business Previously Technicolor | Disney | ABC World News Now, 🧠💼🌿🎬🎭🗣️🇫🇷 🇵🇹 🇬🇧 🇺🇸🏅🌍 (See Linktree for 🦋and @)
Sep 28, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
The once United States of America is now a terribly broken nation, in dire need of honorable leadership, enlightened representation, and thoughful introspection. The venom with which self-centered citizens attack each other is only self-destructive. The bigotry and hatred, once hidden under a veneer of social nicety, is now plainly evident, and even celebrated.
Sep 27, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
This is not the "enlightened delegate" that Madison envisioned, but rather an uninformed partisan, intent not on the honorable representation of his constituency, but on victory at all cost against a fabricated enemy. Our elected representatives, absent term limits, lose sight of the intended purpose of their role, and become trapped in the back rooms of a system no longer in touch with, nor responsive to, the electorate.
Mar 15, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Short thread inspired by a video from Britain:
1/4 - So many people are claiming the issue of gun violence is fraught with complexity, but it's not. In Australia, in Britain, in countries that have heretofore looked to the US for democratic and human rights leadership... 2/4 - ...the threats posed by gun violence have been addressed with sensible civility and urgent thoughtfulness. The children of our communities are now trying to do what we have repeatedly failed to do. Will we sit by, apathetic and selfish in our numb denial?...
Jan 21, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Short thread: I took my...No. Correction: My 11-yr old daughter took me to last year's March, and it was a joyful "F*** you!" to a man and an Administration that we already knew represented the worst of our nation's complex character...We simply did not know how bad it would get. Today, I was unable to march, as I had a business commitment, but I was there in spirit: thinking of all the wonderful strong women, girls, and allies who I knew were marching all over the world. I thought "it may not be as many as last year, but it will be a good showing!".