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May 13th 2018
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
As #Iran's currency crisis continues, this Ayandeh Bank branch in Tehran burned in flames today.
If you ask me, this is an act of arson by regime elements who emptied the bank in advance. Afterwards, they can easily claim they cannot return ordinary people's money.
Tabriz, NW #Iran
Old Tabriz Bazaar is empty of any buyers as people are losing their purchasing power.
Read 340 tweets
May 12th 2018
#Iran decreases Euro air travel currency cap from 10,000 € to 5,000 €, or equivalent.
2,000 € for ground/sea travel.
#IranDealWithdrawl taking its toll.
#Iran's "Ayandeh Bank" is apparently on the verge of going bankrupt.
Owner Ali Ansari owes nearly $28.5 bn to his investors & clients.
Source in the bank says considering the current circumstances, there is a high probably Ansari will flee the country.
#Iran MP Gholam-Ali Imen Abadi:
"One specific credit firm had $2.85 bn of its clients' money while the CEO lacked even a high school diploma & used to enter the country's Central Bank armed with a gun."
Read 224 tweets
May 9th 2018
Report from Mashhad, NE #Iran

US dollar trading at 68,000 rials
Euro trading at 83,000 rials

#IranDealWithdrawal impacting the country's already troubled economy.
#Iran decreases Euro air travel currency cap from 10,000 € to 5,000 €, or equivalent.
2,000 € for ground/sea travel.
#IranDealWithdrawl taking its toll.
#Iran's "Ayandeh Bank" is apparently on the verge of going bankrupt.
Owner Ali Ansari owes nearly $28.5 bn to his investors & clients.
Source in the bank says considering the current circumstances, there is a high probably Ansari will flee the country.
Read 144 tweets
May 9th 2018
Less than 12 hours after Trump exited from the highly flawed #IranNuclearDeal, my sources inside #Iran indicate currency exchanges have opened and the US dollar is selling at no lower than 80,000 rials.
Reports from Tehran, #Iran, indicate security forces are preventing any two individuals from talking to each other near the Ferdowsi area, home to the city's main currency exchange market.
Anyone attempting to exchange currency is arrested.
Report from Mashhad, NE #Iran

US dollar trading at 68,000 rials
Euro trading at 83,000 rials

#IranDealWithdrawal impacting the country's already troubled economy.
Read 122 tweets

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