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Jul 2nd 2018
If you are confused about who voted the #CivilRightsAct into law, here's the historical record.

SPOILER ALERT: It was the party of #LBJ--the Democrats.…
Unlike modern-day racist Southern #GOP leader @SenateMajLdr McConnell, who blocked #SCOTUS hearings for #MerrickGarland because he felt @POTUS44 wasn't owed a full 4yr term, #LBJ signed the most sweeping anti-racist and anti-poverty legislation in US history.
Just five months after the #CivilRightsAct was passed, the country voted overwhelmingly to return #LBJ to the White House, 49 weeks after the assassination of #JFK.

Voters thought LBJ was far more capable of holding the nation together amidst growing racial and societal strife.
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Apr 10th 2018
The current Unemployment Insurance (UI)Program in the United States was established August 14, 1935 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed the Social Security bill which contained provisions for UI.This was key in establishing UI in the US. #WhyIVoteDemocrat #DemHistory 4
The Rural Electrification Act of 1936 provided federal loans for the installation of electrical distribution systems to serve isolated rural areas of the US.The funding was channeled through cooperative electric power companies, most of which still exist today. #DemHistory
It took President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s signing of the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 for all workers to see limits on working hours -- initially 44 hours a week, then phased to 42 and eventually 40 by 1940. #DemHistory #WhyIVoteDemocrat #DemsWork4USA
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