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Aug 29th 2018

Trump revived the idea of firing Sessions. Likely thinks Uncle Jr Rudy would be divine.🙄

David Pecker, Head Of National Enquirer, resigns from Postmedia Board

Michael Cohen, Lanny Davis & the Russian Mafia, oh my! Lanny Davis’ most notorious client is Firtash

Cohen atty Lanny Davis Is registered foreign agent for Dmitry Firtash a pro RU Oligarch wanted by US gov’t directly linked to Putin

19 mos into the Trump administration, we're starting to see what a real culture of corruption looks like.

None of it is normal

📌Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash, who has close ties to Manafort, has been wanted in Chicago since 2014 for his alleged role as the mastermind of an international titanium racket

Trump “is rage-googling himself, and he doesn’t like what he’s found
Read 75 tweets
Jun 29th 2018

Did Trump’s tweet give RU the green light to interfere in US Elex again?

Trump still accept’s Putin denial RU interfered in the 2016 over our own intel community.🙄

Justin Kennedy was one of Trump’s most trusted associates for 12 years while at Deutsche Bank.

is the crackdown on illegal migrants an intentional distraction from NatSec threats, child pornography & TOC?

Hmmm...”if your son is working for a bank moving dark money around and you write a Supreme Court decision about dark money, is it still valid?”(EG)

Special counsel eyeing Russians granted unusual access to Trump inauguration parties

Manafort is begging the DC Circuit to let him out of jail while his appeal is pending, Nope!

North Korea continues work on nuclear facility despite agreement
Anyone surprised?
Read 59 tweets
Jun 13th 2018

Personal Mind Control

10 Ways To Focus Your Attention


1.) Positive Self Talk

That little voice inside your head is often your biggest critic and bully.

Changing your self talk to "have your back" will keep you on track and focused.

Own it and make it your little bitch when it gets naggy and negative.
2.) Focused Breathing

I bet no one has taught you "how to breath" - yet we do it everyday.

You can go weeks without food, days without water, but only MINUTES without breathing.

Mastering deep breaths down in your belly.

Try this out:
Read 12 tweets

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