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Sep 7th 2018
We are now live with @Ronikpe @Devcoms who answered our questions on the topic "Linkage between family Planning and women's health" You want to know why to space birth and not rush the process because you want to be young and fine again. #ISSathread #FPfriday
@ronikpe @Devcoms Dr Ronald Ikpe (medical). runs MRI Medic Consulting limited, a one-stop health Consulting outfit ( ) with a special interest in general wellness #FPFriday @devcoms @getittogether
@ronikpe @Devcoms @Getittogether The impact of childbearing is directly proportional to the time interval of births. The lesser the spacing, the less healthy a woman is. We should realize that pregnancy is a physically and emotionally demanding process/journey for every woman- @Ronikpe #FPFriday
Read 14 tweets
Aug 17th 2018
•Its #FPfriday and we will be talking about “Practical ways to introducing #adolescents and #youths to #sexuality and reproductive health info by Wemimo Adebiyi #Safespaces4youth #FPFriday #LifePlanningGIT .@Devcoms .@GetittogetherNG .@Healthcommng .@Notagaincampaig
It’s best to start talking with #children about sexuality early. You may ask, “How early?” For young children, you can start by teaching them the names of their body parts or asking if they know why girls and boys look different #FPFriday
When we talk to children about sex, it’s important to keep our conversation age appropriate #FPFriday
Read 11 tweets
Jun 22nd 2018
What is your most embarrasing moment?

Me: arrested by police for having condoms in my bag 😅😅 as if say na weapon of mass destruction i carry 😅

Please, whats wrong with a female having condoms? #FPFriday @Devcoms @getittogetherNG @healthcommng LET’S TALK
It happened in Lagos sometime in 2016, i didn’t even have a boyfriend o, no ulterior motive o, i was just doing my usual advocacy and being a good friend.

Na so enter police wahala
Earlier that day, i had attended a family planning training where we were taught several methods of contraception. Part of the training was "the effective use of Condoms as a barrier method of contraception
Read 27 tweets

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