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Sep 3rd 2018
@EdKrassen He’s not even doing that much! Over 99% of farming in America is by big #FactoryFarms, not family farms! Trump is giving $12 BILLION of OUR taxpayer dollars to big corporations that don’t need it - NOT helping struggling farm families! It’s just another scam from #DonTheCon!
@EdKrassen Farmers & GOP want America to believe there’s still lots of small farms scattered across the country. There aren’t. It would be harder to get enough votes to pass the FarmBill if folks knew that there’re far fewer small farms in 2018, & big factory farms don’t need subsidies!
@EdKrassen “Many large residential properties, especially in states like Tennessee & Texas, qualify as “farms” under the government’s official definition.”
They’re not poor FamilyFarms - they’re wealthy peoples YARDS! Counting them as farms gets Texas taxpayer $!
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