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Jul 20th 2018
BIG NEWS, everybody. I just got an email from @CapitalRampit's attorneys and they are READY TO SETTLE! They will be firing Allegra later this morning and have asked me to review their draft apology. #FireAllegra
To make sure this sort of thing doesn't happen again in the future, Rampit has also invited me to join their board as Executive Director of Employee Behavior and Ideas. Until further notice, please cancel #BoycottRampit and thank @CapitalRampit for their corporate citizenship.
The past 16 hours have left me exhausted but giddy. Thank you for all your kudos but the real heroes here are you, the people. Activism can be frustrating, but if we stay together the Good Guys can triumph against Hate. And Allegra What's-her-name.
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