How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App with twice the raisins! luck convincing a fucking cat to drag you out of your burning laboratory, Professor Von Asshole AM IN MY FRONT YARD ANGRILY SHAKING A PROTEST PLACARD SKYWARD AT YOU, UNWOKE ASTRONAUT just checked Google maps. Within 4 miles of my house there are 18 mattress stores. have enough confidence in the spirit, spunk, and ingenuity of Americans to assume we would work together to figure out a way to cheat on the test Central Committee for Sensible Chuckling will now review all Television talk show segments to ensure they prompt an acceptable level of Party-affirming golf claps and head nods sheet: curfew violation at 15, minor in possession of beer at 16, drag racing at 16. Suspensions were for being high in school and for fighting (my opponent and I are still friends today).'ll pay attention to NYTimes lectures on free speech when they admit it's a right other people have too"OH MY GOD THESE SOYBEANS ARE AMAZING" - lawyer for porn star who banged the US president