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It's Always Abomination In Philadelphia
I have nothing against Philadelphia. My son's beautiful talented girlfriend is the daughter of a busy Philly homicide detective. #truestory
I cannot stop my brain from imagining what kind of monstrous hellspawn was conceived by this vile act, or wonder whether it will be adopted by the Eagles or Sixers
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At the @Calgary2026 public bid presentation, listening to @maryhmoran discuss how a responsible bid is an opportunity to align all levels of government in an investment in Canada and Calgary’s future - not an easy thing to do these days #truestory
Excellent breakdown of the proposed @Calgary2026 budget: $3.0B total investment from all govts: $1.6B for new & renewed venues + villages; $910M for essential services & security; $310M for Paralympics; $180M for legacy sport & cultural programming; $120M for contingency/overrun
Opportunity to attract $3.7B from private and federal government sources if Calgary decides to host the Olympic Games. $3.7B! That money will go to other international or domestic projects if Calgary decides to not bid.
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Una vez los trolles se pusieron a burlarse que parezco una Amaranta Ruiz on Meth (que según yo es la verdad), pero el premio al momento más awkward fue cuando en una feria del libro me pidieron una selfie con un vato random y el vato me preguntó si yo era Amaranta. 🙄
#TrueStory. Le tocó verlo a @perlysha.
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how come we are spied on in every possible way (#5eyes, #InQTel & hundreds others) and everything is valid to you (& me), the average guy to court, to get conviction, to... fucking it, everything is legal.
But 'we have everything', except that everybody is
2- #MakingADeal because we need to collect evidence in 'whatever legal way'?
Are you fucking kidding me?
None of you have a problem with that?
3-More venting later...
4-That compound that 'we blew up', did Trump speak out against that? If yes, please link me to it. If not, why not? Aren't the 'white hats' in control now? Why are we hiding evidence?
5-And if there is no condemnation and no talk, doesn't that mean that:
Read 65 tweets
My Amaka disappointed me today and I am still sad😭😭
Now I know what 2baba and Peruzzi meant in their song
So this girl that has been curving me for a while called last night and said she wants to come around today, knowing that I'd definitely be at home I said no wahala.
We agreed 9am and ended the call.
Grin grin grin my alarm woke me at exactly 6am today.
I cleaned my house more than I've ever done, I arranged some drinks in my fridge, checked for new movie update and downloaded some so that my Amaka would be comfortable.
Read 13 tweets
Unsolicited advice: if you wake up at 4 a.m. don’t grab your phone and check your e-mail; you might get bad news and be unable to go back to sleep. #TrueStory

It’s not catastrophic news, but I may not be able to spend time in residence in Innsbruck with Postsecular Conflicts.
This had been promised all along as part of my role as Senior Researcher on this grant-funded, international, interdisciplinary research project. Apparently university administrators demanded a shift in the budget that put my paid time in residence on the chopping block.
I had no inkling that could happen, and as I was really looking forward to getting away to the Alps this winter and spring, it’s disappointing. On the upside, though, I did just get paid for some of the work I’ve done as part of the project.
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Went to hold Mini Me's hand as we walked into the school and then said, "Oh, you probably don't want me holding your hand going in."

Mini me: It's ok, Mommy. I want you to hold my hand. That's what mommies are for.

Check out my son's teacher wishlist. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The kids reported a wonderful day at school. 🙌🏾🙌🏾 The entire day was spent community building or doing team challenges. They also got to pick their seats. When I asked my son what he liked most about his teacher he said he was funny.
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A blizzard night in 2011 as I recall. The store was not open the next day due to the previous nights storm.
It took 2 or 3 days to figure out this occured. #truestory at first, "why are the pallets up front?" assumed the plow guy moved them.
There was a piece of the door window trim on the other side of the building... "that's weird"...
I'm wondering about all this... everything is fine, Nothing missing, no alarm... "strange".
Standing just inside the parking lot door, looking down I notice cross support for the security bars slightly bowed in... "let's check the cameras..."
Read 9 tweets
Going thru old pics looking for specific items... I came across this. Likely about '91, 10k run, I started them in '89 (4th grade) this was my 3rd or 4th 'Oak Apple Run'... Probably near the finish my balled fist suggests I'm about to sprint...
After running a good distance, digging down deep, for that final 100 yard or so end sprint is the ultimate high! I'm serious, for me at least, it was euphoric. I would glide not feeling my legs, it's all muscle memory, like riding wind!
Just afterwards, my teeth and saliva would feel very strange, then after a several minutes would return to normal. Every time it did this. #truestory
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Let's take a moment and remember a great.
My aunt had a brief personal experience with Rodney Dangerfield my father once shared with me...
I LOVED Rodney Dangerfield!
Much respect 😍 #RIP
My aunt on her 16th birthday when to whatever club Rodney had a gig at in NJ or NY. This would be '69 or '70 (ish)
My aunt somehow sneaked into his dressing room, or perhaps green room, and she SAW Rodney! He was in a bath robe smoking a cigarette with a few other people...
Rodney turns to my aunt, obviously noticing her presence in the room and blurts out in typical Rodney fashion,

"Hey.. who let the kid in?"

My aunt ran out of there like lightning crying and extremely embarrassed. 😂
#truestory I can imagine... Hilarious!
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Now, conceder this…
Those that oppose water boarding do so arguing it is torture. Further arguing that information extracted by torture is unreliable. When torture is applied the subject with say anything to stop it is the basic logic presented.…
Before moving to the next point… water boarding is *SIMULATED* drowning (emphasis added)
Read 17 tweets
So I lost a job offer because my current salary is too low. They interviewed me, liked me, offered me the job, but wouldn't pay me the stated salary for the job because they cannot justify the percentage jump I would get.

Please wrap your mind around this. #TrueStory
They would pay another person that money, but will not pay me, the preferred candidate that money because they cannot justify to internal auditors the percentage hike I would make.
In negotiations, the language of the hiring manager was to diminish me, he actually used the sentence "we can't pay you for your wrong choices in life". I am not sure where did I ask the organization to pay me money for my previous work. HR said "Look at this as a door".
Read 6 tweets
Nous sommes en 1966, en face du 1125 de la 16th Street à Washington. Soudain, la porte d’un van garé là depuis un moment s’ouvre et on a juste le temps d’apercevoir un type déposer quelque chose sur le trottoir.

C’est un chat blanc et gris. #Thread
Tout commence en 1961, à l’époque où la CIA multiplie les initiatives destinées à espionner l’Union Soviétique et notamment leur l’ambassade à Washington — laquelle était située à l’époque au 1125 de la 16th Street. #CommeParHasard
Or, les gars du Science and Technology Directorate de la CIA — a.k.a. les Sorciers de Langley — ont eu une idée fumante : créer un chat-espion pour écouter discrètement ce que se racontent les russes.

C’est le projet Acoustic Kitty.
Read 21 tweets
Ce 30 janvier 1835, Andrew Jackson, 7e Président des États-Unis, sort de la House Chamber du Capitole en traversant la rotonde après avoir assisté aux funérailles de Warren Davis, un membre de la Chambre des Représentants décédé la veille. #Thread
À bientôt 68 ans, rongé par toutes sortes de maladies, l’ancien général a toutes les peines du monde à déplacer sa longue et fine silhouette. Ce n’est qu’en s’appuyant sur Martin Van Buren, son Vice-Président, qu’il est parvenu à se frayer un chemin jusque-là.
Alors qu’il sort du bâtiment par le portique est, un homme émerge de la foule et se campe à un peu plus de 3 mètres devant lui.

Déjà, rien qu’à ses yeux, on devine qu’il n’est pas tout à fait net le type.
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1944, dans la jungle de Bornéo. Une patrouille japonaise cherche l’équipage d’un B-24 qui s’est écrasé récemment.

Au début, ce sont juste des petites piqûres, comme des moustiques, sauf qu’après quelques minutes, ils tombent tous. Raides morts. #Thread
Ce que les japonais ne savent pas, c’est que les aviateurs ricains se sont fait des amis.

En l’occurrence, ce sont les Kelabis une tribu Dayak qui vit largement isolée du monde moderne dans les forêts des hauts plateaux de Bornéo.
C’est-à-dire que les Dayaks souscrivent au principe selon lequel les ennemis de leurs ennemis sont leurs amis. Or, les japs se sont comportés avec eux de manière particulièrement effroyable et ils ont bien compris que les ricains étaient en guerre contre eux.
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#Probablemente ([#EO]#probable🍀/[#EN]#Probably🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)
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Thread sur la procédure Dublin
Ça va être long et complexe et technique, j'ai essayé de faire le plus simplifié possible. Hashtag à muter #StopDublin (ou désabonnez-vous et bonne journée à tout le monde :))
Pour les personnes qui souhaitent être renseignées rapidement et pour diffuser largement, voici une vidéo de 5 minutes (via @NBLorine) #StopDublin :
Alors. Le règlement Dublin III (qu’on appellera Dublin pour simplifier) est un règlement entre pays européens qui vise à s’assurer que le premier pays où un•e exilé•e demande l’asile est chargé de traiter sa demande d’asile et seulement ce pays.
Read 114 tweets
Fred Mayer a tout juste 20 ans quand il s’engage dans l’armée américaine. Il a deux raisons pour ça : la première, c’est qu’il aime son pays d’adoption ; la seconde c’est qu’il est juif allemand et qu’il rêve de casser du nazi. #Thread
Il faut dire le Fred, même s’il n’est pas bien grand, n’est pas exactement le genre de type qui se laisse faire. Il en veut à mort aux nazis qui ont forcé son père, un héros de la guerre de 14, à émigrer aux US en 1938.
C’est alors qu’il s’ennuie sec en caserne qu’il est approché par un officier de l’OSS (Office of Strategic Services), premier service de renseignement américain digne de ce nom qui vient d’être créé (1942).
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A Kenyan conversation: So my Dad is Kamba and my mum is Kikuyu, but I identify more with my mother's side of the family than with dad's side, however I cannot speak Kyuk but we can chat in Kao. There's a story bear with me.
So we named one of our children with a Kamba name and a Luhya name... coz that's his heritage. And one of my maternal aunties had a serious fit. She's the defacto head of my mother's home so her opinions count.
Now my cousins and family friends (relas anyway) are getting married in Nyanza, Bondo... Me i am just laughing here imagining my aunty's poor heart and inability to comprehend what's going on.
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Cuál es su dúo cómico preferido de todos los tiempos?
Han visto alguna vez juntos a Dastis y a Cospedal? El bigote de Dastis parece postizo... No vamos a abonar teorías conspiratorias, pero...
Mi momento preferido del prank a Cospedal es cuando el humorista sube el nivel y suelta "y vigile su asistente que tiene acento ruso"
Read 23 tweets
El odio. Eso que Catalunya está sufriendo estos días como víctima. Odio desacomplejado. Odio que llevaba décadas aguantando para salir
Odio desde las instituciones, desde las tertulias, los medios, desde la calle. Odio entre los jóvenes. Esa generación nacida en democracia
El odio que sienten es quizá lo más doloroso de todo este proceso. El odio, ese caldo de cultivo del fascismo
Read 73 tweets

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