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Sep 29th 2018
Have said this repeatedly. Wondering if we get a petition to the White House? Every 1 of the Senate members who allowed smearing of Kavanaugh without EVIDENCE-should be investigated back to HS with reports made public. Hope he sues them for defamation, slander, etc.
2) Do the FBI investigation, Dems. Not ONE of you intend to vote YES for #Kavanaugh! You have all made that ABUNDANTLY clear from the start! Causes MANY of us to wonder, why the investigation? When we can take it to the bank that your vote will be NO when he is cleared again.
3) When all it takes is a finger pointed to prove guilt, with no EVIDENCE, our Nation has become a dark place. Better hope that YOU or someone YOU love, is never on the other side of that pointed finger. If you don’t believe it can’t happen to YOU, think again. #HistoryOfSalem
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