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Aug 21st 2018
1 Thread 19 Parts देखिए केरल में कामरेड छात्र किस प्रकार घटिया राजनीति खेली जा रही है, वहां के लोगों को झूठ बोल के बहलाया फुसलाया जा रहा है कि केंद्र सरकार मदद नहीं कर रही इत्यादि अनेक झूठ! सारी केंद्र कारवाई थ्रेड में उल्लेखित है Plz RT all tweets share! @narendramodi @HMOIndia
2 Video @INCIndia @hd_kumaraswamy Govt treating #KarnatakaFloods #KarnatakaFloodRelief victims like dogs. PWD Minister HD Revanna throwing biscuits at Flood affected people like you throw them at your pets. See their arrogance and attitude. @narendramodi
3 Video RSS always serves people in calamities without publicity/donations. BJP MPs like @ShobhaBJP & forget comforts of office serve as ground volunteers but @hd_kumaraswamy uses state helicoptors to read newspapers. @narendramodi @BSYBJP @amitrshah @RSSorg @PMOIndia @HMOIndia
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