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Aug 13th 2018
The @UN #InternationalYouthDay Was made memorable by credible ranking officers of the @PoliceNG from the AIG, SARS Commissioner, Technical Adviser to the IG, Force PRO, PPRO Zone2, SARS Commanders & our host @koredebello, Speakers @zeal_a @yemusan1 #SafeSpaces4Youth #WhyEndSARS
Thanking @knowyourright99 also for his delightful opening speech and @citizen_gavel @NelsonJide for making there despite the heavy schedule and travel time. What could we have done without the backing of @MAVINRECORDS and the great talents at #Caspertainment? Appreciate U Casper!
The AIG said in his speech that not everyone is 100% healthy & we can not say that based on that, we should End everyone’s life. In as much as this is true, we MUST appreciate that we can not treat the dead, neither can the sick approach a hospital renowned for killing patients.
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