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May 24th 2018
Short Thread:
The effort would be massive; prob. started LONG before the timeline that the media has pushed!

** Liberals have been howling about Cambridge A. & saying it ties Trump to Russia

** I looked into their claims & you have to see this!
2/ Some housecleaning:

- C.A. is definitely ‘complicated’
- Liberals believe it’s a slam dunk ‘Russia Collusion’ connection
- There are some journalists who have dug in and found good/relevant data, though I disagree with their conclusions — here is one

3/ @NafeezAhmed did an exhaustive piece on facebook that includes a lot of relevant info.

** Its long & detailed
** I commend him (too) for the amount of research involved
** His stance on C.A. is different than most others - I suggest ppl read it too…
Read 23 tweets
May 22nd 2018

Michael Caputo just said a former GOVERNMENT contractor of a Government agency tried to give him, through an intermediary, Hillary Clinton's emails in May 2016. Phone calls were going on at #Trump Tower at the time.
Caputo said he didn't want to take Hillary's emails because he thought there would be classified info in them and might be illegal, so he stopped contact. Then in July 2016, they tried to give him the emails again.
He said at the time, he never told anyone else about it because he had just joined the #Trump campaign and thought people would think he was strange for coming on and telling them he had her emails.
Read 9 tweets

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