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May 12th 2018
Vote tally manipulation is almost impossible to prove bc states still use unverifiable touchscreens, vendors & courts don’t allow forensic audits, states don’t conduct meaningful manual audits & stymie hand recounts, paper ballots are often destroyed in contested elections... 1/
...and some state election officials turn off voting machine audit functions. These are “red flags” in and of themselves and we must learn from them to protect FUTURE elections, even if we cannot prove in a court of law that election fraud has occurred in the past. 2/
It’s pretty hard to prove a crime occurred when you’re denied access to what would be the crime scene and evidence: the inside of the election equipment and the paper ballots or receipts. 3/
Read 18 tweets
May 6th 2018
Felons & Kickbacks & Bribes Oh My! Read this 60 pg footnoted attorney report on ES&S, Diebold, Sequoia, & Hart, & then send it to ur state & local election officials. Tell them no more touchscreens & no COMPUTER marked “paper ballots” w/ BARCODES! 1/…
Thread re: how many plan 2 replace touchscreen voting machines (which provide no means 4 voters 2 know if their vote was recorded correctly) w/ touchscreen ballot markers (which provide no means 4 voters 2 know if their vote was recorded correctly)! 2/
By the way, many officials mislead by calling these COMPUTER marked paper records with bar codes “voter verifiable” bc they also include text. Call them on it! The only part of the paper record-which some call a “paper ballot”—actually counted as ur vote is the barcode! 3/
Read 26 tweets

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