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Jun 27th 2018
It started with the weeds then the pills and acid, making cocktails of all sort of drugs and overdosing to make them last longer
I ended up homeless and on the streets living in a box, out of school and begging for alms, my name is BEN, learn from Ben #NoExcuse4Drugabuse
Young people today are exposed very early to drugs. Students now have people selling or offering them drugs on school property #Noexcuse4drugabuse
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Jun 26th 2018
They will approach you a friend and tell you they like to lift you up and make you cool, help you fit in #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse
They will tell you " cocaine will make you a life of the party" and They will tell you Ecstasy can make you be with a lot of girls. #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse
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Jun 26th 2018
It was decided to observe 26 June as the International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking as an expression of UN's determination to strengthen action to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse.
Therefore we say #NoExcuse4DrugAbuse.
Building on the success of last year, the theme for 2018 is: "LISTEN FIRST- Listening to children and youth is the first step to help them grow healthy and safe."
It is an initiative to increase support for prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities.
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