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Apr 4th 2018
1/ #QAnon

Major drops. This particular one is juicy, implying:
- Mueller = #WhiteHat going after the traitorous coup. #Manafort & #Page were plants.
- #Traitor leaked #Trump not the target...was not supposed to be revealed.
- DNC was leaked, not hacked.…
2/ Other key implications on the April 4 drop:
- No effort made by any agency to confirm #Crowdstrike claim of DNC hack. This strongly implies intel agencies were "in on it."
- #SethRich murderd by #MS13 (implied before).
- Recent arrest of "non US" this reference to Alex van der Zwaan (Dutch)?
- Growing Russia threat appears to be effort by #DeepState to maintain power through fear.
- Obama SOLD OUT the US...ties into intel and #Awan.
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