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Sep 23rd 2018
THREAD! 1-A number of experts are saying the recent @nytimes @ScottShaneNYT @MarkMazzettiNYT BIG #Trump-#Russia piece is one of the best pieces of journalism in recent years, and IT SURE IS. I had three levels of reaction to this as someone who has closely analyzed this topic.
2-1st, I was OVERJOYED that 1 of the best newspapers FINALLY gave 2 of their best journalists go-ahead & space to cover the #Trump-#Russia the only way it can be properly understood: a deep-dive detailed look at big, overall picture over time. Our society is better off for it!
3-2nd, I was SUPER frustrated generally cuz, 2+ years after topic should've obvi been covered this way only @NYTimes among biggest outlets has done this. W/ smaller respected outlets. Even 1 year into it only @aminterest/@submergingmkt, @newrepublic/@craigunger had. Circa 0 since
Read 20 tweets
Sep 20th 2018
#BREAKING SKYFALL...#Cohen l'ancien avocat"particulier" de #Trump, qui avait décidé de coopérer, a parlé durant des heures avec l'équipe #Mueller. On l'a questionné sur la collusion avec la #Russie. La durée des entretiens signifie qu'il a "balancé",sans aucun doute. #Gamechanger
2) Et de toute évidence, d'après les 1ères infos d'@abcnews #Cohen coopère contre #Trump sans rien avoir exigé en retour, comme le laissait entendre ses déclarations publiques depuis 6 mois, il se retourne contre son ancien patron, par dépit affectif ou amical.
3) #Cohen s'est aussi mis à table face aux procureurs de l'Etat de New York quant aux malversations de la fondation #Trump. Ne pas oublier que cette enquête-là est encore plus dangereuse car hors de portée du pouvoir de pardon présidentiel...
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Sep 16th 2018

Booh: “Manafort is the Hub

📌6/9/16 TT meet w/ RIS to get ‘dirt’
📌Stone, Firtash, Assange
📌US Lobbying / PR Firms / Journalists / Propaganda / Black ops
📌 Deripaska, Kilimnik,Kislyak
📌Barrack, Pence, Devine
📌Cambridge Analytica ->Bannon, Rebekah Mercer” etc

📌Manafort admits laundering $30M related to Ukraine work

📌M worked 4 murderous dictators 4 decades

📌Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Cooperate w/ Mueller

Manafort Plea Deal Casts New Scrutiny on Lobbyists He Recruited
📌#Podesta Group

NRA Show Puts Thomas the Tank Engine in White Hood to Criticize Diversity Move😱

📌The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally Torshin tied to the NRA who met w/ DonJr during the campaign

📌AU Zamel linked to SC probe re August 2916 meeting w/ DonJr. #Wikistrat
Read 60 tweets
Sep 15th 2018
A friend asked me how I knew this in 2016, during the campaign, before the election, how did I know to raise red flags about #TrumpRussia #TrumpLies #TrumpCrimeSyndicate #PenceKnew #Manafort 1/
She went on: you’re busy, you’re just a normal civilian person, you run a small business, you’re focused on working, your family, how did you figure out and know what was wrong with Trump, Russia, the GOP, why the election was different? 2/
First, let’s acknowledge lots of people knew, too. I don’t just mean the intelligence community, or the co-conspirators and accomplices to treason and illegal activities, I mean lots of other regular people like me. There are some common qualities and habits we share 3/
Read 13 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Manafort flipped. This is the "statement of the offenses" in which Manafort confesses to doing the crimes...…
This first count #Manafort admits to is violation of 18 USC § 371, "Conspiracy Against the United States."

What does that mean? He conspired to commit a crime against the US or to defraud the US:
A conspiracy, definitionally, requires more than one conspirator. Who did Manafort conspire with? The first paragraph dealing with Count 1 names Richard Gates and Konstantin Kilimnik "and others"
Read 6 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Going to do a (short?) THREAD on the #Manafort Superceding Criminal Information. Need to tease out some info that will come up re media involvement and Congressional Rs 😉…
First, just tagging a Manafort shell co that I hadn't heard mentioned before, yet the date/loc interests me: Pompolo Limited created 4/13, UK (pg 6):

E.g., this is the first shell co that Manafort reg'd in the UK. WHY❓ 🧐
Mueller tells us Manafort used the shell cos to hide payments he received from Ukraine authorities:
Read 62 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
12:11pm #Manafort told the judge: "I plead guilty."

Paul Manafort enters cooperation agreement with Justice Department…
The #Manafort plea agreement includes
▪interviews with #Mueller
▪briefings with the office of Special Counsel
▪turning over documents related to Trump
▪testifying in other proceedings

That last will most directly impact Donald Trump Jr.

Now would be the time for a pardon.
Trump really has no concern for anyone. His oldest child is now threatened and nothing.

Trump always knew #Manafort could put Don Jr. in prison next to him and he dangled the hint of a pardon, but that's all.

Manafort's plea doesn't hurt Trump, but it sure hurts Jr.
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Sep 14th 2018
#Manafort charging document for today's guilty plea includes details of his planting disinformation in US press to smear political rivals of his pro-Russia clients in Ukraine. Eg "Plant some stink on Tymo"—painting a female rival as a criminal who paid for murder. Sound familiar?
Manafort had used the same propaganda smear tactics in Ukraine that Trump rolled out in his campaign for president in 2016. Manafort not only had Tymo soliciting murder. He pushed tribal divisions, using "Obama Jews" & anti-Semitism to tarnish her.…
#Manafort manipulated the media with disinformation and then used those planted news stories to manipulate US govt: "I have someone pushing it on the NY Post. Bada bing bada boom…The Jewish community will take this out on Obama on election day if he does nothing.”
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Sep 14th 2018
#Breaking C'est confirmé, #Manafort passe 1 accord de plaider coupable avec #Mueller mais on ne sait toujours pas s'il coopèrera contre #Trump à l'enquête fédérale sur la collusion avec la #Russie.…
2) Pas d'emballement donc, #Manafort avait intérêt à conclure 1 plaider coupable pour essayer de réduire le nombre d'années en prison. #Mueller avait intérêt à ne pas "risquer" 1 second procès quand le verdict obtenu au 1er lui a donné de l'air politique contre #Trump...
3) On attendra donc de voir si 1 accord de coopération a été conclu entre #Manafort et #Mueller, garantissant des allégements supplémentaires, mais rappeler que l'équipe Mueller a été échaudée par Papadopoulos qui a promis de coopérer et a finalement contrarié l'enquête du FBI...
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Sep 12th 2018
This from ABC News 2 hours ago re #Mueller and #Manafort:

But the big news isn’t in the headline. It’s this:
1/ There is ZERO chance that Manafort is going to get the kind of plea agreement the leak says he is seeking. (Mueller has shown a greater determination to flip Manafort about Trump than for anything else in his investigation.)
Read 7 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
TL-DR: Anti-Trump cyborgs dominate, but there is a concentrated, active group of pro-Trump bots and cyborgs. Most of the top cyborgs (14 out of the top 20) oppose Donald Trump while four support him, with two being not clearly aligned in either direction.
Interestingly, of the 253 likely bots and cyborgs who link to URLs external to, the largest sub-group (community #13) consists of 62 predominantly right-wing bots/cyborgs that support Donald Trump.
Read 12 tweets
Aug 23rd 2018
Was there a third important court event, on top of #Manafort and #Cohen verdicts? Prosecutors and Flynn lawyers agreed to postpone #Flynn’s sentencing; sentencing is the usual day of reckoning for cooperation.
It is not unheard-of for a “substantial assistance” motion to be filed after sentencing, but it’s rare. The #Flynn plea is in; the sentencing memos are presumably complete; the question of “substantial assistance” — cooperation — is the logical reason for postponement.
I may be reading too much into this terse and nondescript document, but very big things moving sometimes leave only small surface ripples.
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Aug 23rd 2018
Trump’s threat to pardon Manafort must be taken seriously. Trump wouldn't pardon Manafort for anything Manafort did in connection with the campaign #manafort
1/ (that would strip Manafort of his Fifth Amendment protection for those matters): only for the financial crimes involved in the two court cases. #manafort
2/ This pardon would thereby remove all the pressure Manafort is under to be a cooperating witness against Trump for collusion, and would still leave Manafort with Fifth Amendment protection over the collusion/conspiracy matter.
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Aug 22nd 2018
Here’s the deal. #Manafort will be pardoned… eventually.

It will be after the next trials conclusion and after the midterms (if trial is quick)
Given yes, @PaulManafort is a sleaze bag and committed some offenses. Had he been charged when this first came about he might have be wrapping up his lengthy prison sentence right about now. But that didn’t happen, did it?

This trial was politically motivated 💯
Manafort was charged with these crimes,
previously examined and passed on,
to put on pressure to “flip on Trump” and confess all the Russian sins of the campaign.

Of course, that had to of occurred for the ‘flip’ to be feasible absent false testimony...
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Aug 22nd 2018
.@BBC reporting on "an historic day in American politics." The presenter notes "at a rally last night, the President led a chant of #LockHerUp, referring to Hillary Clinton, but it's Trump's closest people who are going to jail."

The presenter sounds incredulous about the chant.
18mins into the @BBCWorld broadcast, still talking about Trump, #Manafort, #MichaelCohen and #LannyDavis.

Now there is a US constitutional scholar discussing how the president can indeed be indicted and how there is "grounds for impeachment" after yesterday's events.

.@BBCWorld quotes #MichaelCohen's attorney #LannyDavis w/r/t #MuellerInvestigation.
Davis told @maddow last night that Cohen has "Knowledge on certain subjects" that he would be willing to transmit to Mueller. Davis said Cohen's knowledge "is...
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Aug 22nd 2018

💣Cohen implicates Trump in VIOLATION of campaign finance laws

💣Trump is an unindicted CO-CONSPIRATOR

💣Throws the LEGITIMACY of the election into question.

💣Cohen pleads GUILTY to bank fraud w/ intent!

💣Manafort CONVICTED on 8 fed charges!


AS: “Cohen’s guilty plea appears to implicate the President in a knowing violation of campaign finance laws, w/ the payment of hush money to advance the Trump campaign. This is the 1st guilty plea directly alleging potential criminal activity by the President.”

The verdict was a victory for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III

LB: “Russian mob.
Who rolled Genovese/LCN in '90s.
Blood money pushed through Ukraine, laundered by Genovese made-man, Paul Manafort - and old Genovese business front, Trump Org.”
Read 72 tweets
Aug 21st 2018
😡😬On November 6, 2016, in desperation and trying to stop the inevitable insanity, I explained how #MichaelFlynn , #PaulManafort, #CarterPage, #FellixSater and #DonaldTrump are connected with #Russia and work for the #Kremlin.…
As of August 21, 2018: 1. #Flynn: About to be sentenced but is still waiting as Mueller’s team "could believe Flynn has more information that is useful to the…
#Manafort: "found guilty on eight counts of fraud. Jury said it could not reach consensus on the other 10 charges against him. The charges carry a maximum sentence of decades in prison"…
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Aug 21st 2018
Judge Ellis has declared a mistrial in 10 of the counts against #ManafortTrial and has read that Manafort is guilty on eight of the counts.
#PaulManafort could be sentenced to 30 or more years in jail for each of the eight convictions.

Manafort is 68yrs old.

This will be a life sentence.
#Manafort is guilty of
▪5 tax fraud charges
▪2 counts of bank fraud
▪1 charge of hiding foreign bank counts

The bank fraud charges carry the stiffest sentences.
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Aug 21st 2018

@CNN reports that the #Manafort jury sent a note to the judge asking what happens if they cannot reach a unanimous verdict on **ONE count**. the jury also asked for a fresh verdict sheet, suggesting that they may have reached a verdict on the remaining 17 counts.
CNN legal expert says this suggests that the jury has reached a verdict on the other 17 counts, and it's UNLIKELY that the verdict was "not guilty" on all 17 counts; otherwise, the last count would also be "not guilty."🤞🏼

More from @ShimonPro👇🏼
CNN legal analyst says that the judge likely will ask the jury to record their verdict on the 17 counts (if decided) to preserve their decision, then ask the jury to continue deliberations on the final, undecided (non-unanimous decision) count.

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Aug 18th 2018
THREAD: Media is using Soviet style propaganda

One of the most powerful forms of propaganda is demoralization. Soviet elites were encouraged to flaunt the hypocritical double standard that they lived under - that they were not subject to the same "subjective" laws of the People
The #AwanBrothers scandal, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Comey, et al., jihadi terrorists compound, even the Kate Stenlie affair - average citizens, even @TuckerCarlson points out the obvious double standard that the politically protected live under as opposed to We The People
all these seemingly unconnected media incidents are used by propagandists like @CNN @brianstelter @ChrisCuomo to flaunt the hypocritical double standard that the politically protected live under

They are used - weaponized - to demoralize We The People
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Aug 16th 2018
Totally agree with @lauferlaw. The consequential news today is #Manafort, yet the networks prefer a play by play of #Omarosa and @realDonaldTrump’s distraction game. @cnn and @msnbc answer to the god of ratings. If they spent more time on journalism, we would be further ahead.
Omarosa is neither a victim, nor a whistle-blower. To suggest her self-centred narrative is comparable to a systematic and sustained attack on the US by a hostile foreign nation is like believing the plot of a pot-boiler you’re reading on a plane about to crash into the ground.
It’s also suspect her revelations are not material to Trump and Russia. It’s almost like she’s been produced by @MarkBurnettTV in an attempt to divert attention from far more consequential events.
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Aug 14th 2018
#BREAKING Lawyers defending Paul #Manafort say they’ll rest their case without calling a single witness in the former Trump campaign chairman fraud trial. #ManafortTrial…
🚨EVERY DAY now Trump abuses his power🚨. Today he is tainting the #ManafortTrial jury, in day 2 of deliberations: "I think the whole Manafort trial is very sad…He happens to be a very good person. It's very said what they've done to Paul Manafort."
Trump abuse of power du jour—weighing in on #ManafortTrial as the jury deliberates—is welcomed by Manafort attorney: "We were very happy to hear from the president, that he's supporting Mr Manafort." What a mockery of American justice, hoping for mistrial.
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Aug 7th 2018
Why was Andrea Chalupa so excited about #Manafort resigning and how did she know he was going to face an investigation? Also, Alexandra Chalupa was working for the @DNC and Clinton campaign but claimed to have never done op-ed research, oh and look Isakoff again #ManafortTrial
Here's the interview she's bragging about would certainly seem Chalupa was working directly with #Ukraine during the election. Odd as she still isn't listed with FARA.…
Why would Alexandra Chalupa say she never did op-ed research but yet her sister excitedly tells everyone on her BCC email that she deserves the credit?…
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Aug 5th 2018
Trump revealed himself today. Bigly.
This piece from @adamdavidson in @NewYorker is all you need to know about Trump and the #TrumpTower meeting.
The facts could not be more clear.
We're just waiting for #Mueller, now.…
This is the tweet from Trump that says "I didn't know but who cares if I did."
It violates campaign finance LAW to conspire with a foreign gov't in an election.
It is the reason Mike #Flynn, Trump's former #NSA, has been indicted.
This is NOT #FakeNews.
The trajectory of events:
#TrumpTower meeting: 6/9
#Manafort--who was already advising Trump--takes over as campaign manager: 6/21
THAT SAME DAY: Guccifer 2.0 leaks #DNC docs
Manafort changes GOP platform: 7/11
During DNC, Trump calls on Russia to "find" Hillary's emails: 7/27
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