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I welcome Kristinn #Hrafnsson’s (@khrafnsson) appointment as @WikiLeaks’ Editor-in-Chief. The @USAgov’s campaign of dezinfomatsia, lawfare, & extortionate tactics — as well as the @govUK’s flagrant violations of international #HumanRights law — will clearly not impede WL’s work.
#Hrafnsson’s appointment sends a CLEAR SIGNAL to @TheJusticeDept: #WikiLeaks (& its fans) won’t back down, nor will WL’s mission be nullified by @CPSUK continuing to hold #Assange hostage. These terrorist tactics are beyond the scope of acceptable state behavior. #FreeAssange.
… moreover, this dumb & counterproductive campaign against #WikiLeaks — for daring to expose widespread, systemic corruption in the #DNC, inc. flagrant campaign finance violations — sets an anti-press precedent when we should be pressing #China on #FreeSpeech & #PressFreedoms.
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As a woman I am sick of women not owning their part & responsibility. If you get insanely drunk & black out at parties, you bear some responsibility for what happens to you. If you are drunk or high & behave overtly sexual, to men you just met you put yourself in danger.
Let's face it young women in college act incredibly stupid and put themselves in a lot of danger. Does that mean that they asked to be assaulted no? But would they have been assaulted had they not put themselves in situations that made it much more likely that they would be, YES!
Don't go to a club, introduce yourself to a guy, shake hands, start dancing, rub your booty in his crotch, & then accuse the guy of toxic masculinity. Don't send out mixed messages! It is your responsibility to take care of yourself.
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1) Starting a data series explaining India's #antiHindu system, 2nd class citizen status of Hindus and need for #HinduCharter (hint: #antiHindu system enjoys multi partisan support of all political parties, all branches of govt & so called pillars of #democracy & #equality)
2) Fountainhead of India's #antiHindu system is article 29&30 of constitution which cleverly denies #equalrights to Hindus allowing govt to enact #discriminatory laws/funding/programs & enables Supreme court to adjudicate contradictory laws in #antiHindu manner. #HinduCharter
3) Indian Govt confiscation of Hindu temples is 1 of the largest #religionfreedom violation in world. ALL political parties&Judiciary mostly support Hindu temple confiscation. For all practical purpose,Constitution right to freedom of religion is for nonHindus only. #HinduCharter
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Back @BylineFest for day 3 - starting here in Forest Forum to hear @RVAwonk @J_amesp @zabrinazabrisky chaired by #BylineFest best-dressed chair Peter York
Audience member @stonesister7 offered to explain the #AltRight as a fake term invented by #SteveBannon - what are we taking about is #Nazism - to make it sound hip & trendy & it’s working
Another adds: #AltRight are nationalistic, xenophobic & prepared to suborn democracy to achieve their aims

Chair @PeterPeteryork takes these on & asks what links these trends across USA & Europe
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Let me just put these next two #tweets in sequence.
China Assigns Every Citizen A ‘Social Credit Score’ To Identify Who Is And Isn’t Trustworthy… via @CBS (local #NewYork) #Censorship #Orwellian
Facebook has TRUST ratings for users – but it won't tell you your score… via @TheSun #Censorship #Orwellian
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THREAD: Media is using Soviet style propaganda

One of the most powerful forms of propaganda is demoralization. Soviet elites were encouraged to flaunt the hypocritical double standard that they lived under - that they were not subject to the same "subjective" laws of the People
The #AwanBrothers scandal, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, Comey, et al., jihadi terrorists compound, even the Kate Stenlie affair - average citizens, even @TuckerCarlson points out the obvious double standard that the politically protected live under as opposed to We The People
all these seemingly unconnected media incidents are used by propagandists like @CNN @brianstelter @ChrisCuomo to flaunt the hypocritical double standard that the politically protected live under

They are used - weaponized - to demoralize We The People
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So much for free speech and its passionate supporters…

Apparently, to conduct or participate in #PondyLitFest you need to be ideologically aligned to the Left — this, from a gaggle of writers (yes WRITERS!) calling themselves, hold your breath, ‘progressive’…
Lieutenant Governor @thekiranbedi should ensure that there is no space for such festival (#PondyLitFest) in Puducherry, demand Progressive Writers Association — you read that right: ‘PROGRESSIVE’
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Please read this thread @davies_will which addresses your @gdnlongread @guardian: “The #freespeech panic: how the right concocted a crisis” The idea that #FreeSpeech is now a "conservative issue" is sprinting to become the new dogma. 1/10
In the process, the article lumps together a cast of characters including @sapinker, @NAChristakis, @RichardDawkins, @SamHarrisOrg, & @JonHaidt — none of whom are conservative — as if they are part of an epic right-wing ruse. 2/10
It’s part of the trend over the last few months in which people 1) label concerns about #freespeech “conservative,” 2) dismiss these concerns & then 3) explain what is “really going on” with the already-dubbed-fake concern that they concluded is mostly “naked self-interest” 3/10
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LISTEN to what Sessions said before the #LockHerUp chants started.

The Left seized on the interruption to his speech, only drawing attention to them being #CrybabySoreLoser #Snowflakes with post election therapy to college students. 😂😭❄️🍼😾🖍️ 

I'm still looking for a video of the full speech or at least the part after the interruption but I think it's HYSTERICAL comedy gold that the Left has drawn attention to a speech on #1A #FreeSpeech #CampusSpeech. Excerpts to follow.…

Jeff Sessions speech excerpt:
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JFC.... Rep @keithellison, a member of our CONGRESS and former #DNC leader, who is now RUNNING FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL in #Minnesota is literally trying to get BOOKS BANNED on @Amazon based on what alt-left hate group SPLC thinks is "hate speech."
The day @Amazon agrees to BANNING BOOKS based on this hateful group who has maliciously and falsely slandered people is the day I will cancel my Prime membership and never order from them again.
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Papa John Schnatter, who used the N word on a conference call, has co-founded three university free market centers with the Charles Koch Foundation.
Wildly, the Charles Koch Foundation has a history of funding neo-Confederate professors.…
One of Schnatter's free market centers, at Purdue, was cofounded w/ money from Betsy Devos' brother in law.…
Schnatter and DeVos gave a total of $9 million to rename the center.
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Obituary - A. Daniel Feldman, Intrepid Legal Soldier in the Battles for the #FirstAmendment | Chicago Tribune via @LegacyObits
RIP A. Daniel Feldman

#freespeech #journalism #oldschool
I met him and we talked about his career and our First Amendment lawyering experiences when his granddaughter married my son.

He didn't let on how accomplished he really was.
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#QandA #QAnon #QArmy
@Jordan_Sather_ @Justin_Formed
@intheMatrixxx @QProofs
Clinton Closet Skulls & Money. Bernie running from it up the stairs. The Pyramid pointed at Soros pushing Hilary down the stairs while she screams Russia all the way down.
Social Media Prison locking up #FreeSpeech. #MSM rat yelling "Never Trump!" Woman shouting at the man "Me too." Democrats shouting "Open Borders!" Republicans shouting "Protect Borders!". Liberty saying "?".
@realDonaldTrump playing 5d chess with the Globalists.
#SJW Safe space a closet to cry in (This is real in some Universities) screaming "NAZI!" at a Trump Supporter. Bolton in the tank that says war. Mike Pence with a sign saying "No War." Maga Hat Wearer Shouting "Freedom" to Bernie's "Free Stuff".
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I changed my profile pic & the last line in my bio

Do not fear I have lost my focus or my desire to fight for the side of Right

But I'm going to shift tactics a bit because the Left has given us an opening

They have lost their ever-lovin' minds & are showing it
My bio was
Former Special Forces "so expect precision fire"
I did that to rile up PC speech bullies who say you can't use scary metaphors

I'm not caving a bit on the #FreeSpeech front
If anything I'm doubling down
But I'm going to change my tone a bit

From wicked to mocking
For the Right to prevail
We must draw our side together
By reconciling w/ folks who agree on issues but don't love #Trump
Reaching out to folks who used to be Democrats
Until their party went full #FeelTheBern

They don't want to be socialist America-haters
So join us
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1)Listen to deep state try to shut down the awakening, not happening unlucky for you..This one was my favourite #FULLOFSCHIFF line
“squashing freedom of the press” 🤣
2)Do you mean squashing or paying?? 🧐 cos it was the #DNC @HillaryClinton That “invested” in media.. The @wikileaks shows all the people that make up #Propaganda against @POTUS or anything not beneficial for your friends the Deep states global agenda..
3) The #FakeNewsMedia @CNN @nytimes @AP @NewYorker That continue to only publish hit pieces for your Queen @BarackObama..Wait, which one is the Queen?
🧐mmm @HillaryClinton hard to tell doesn’t matter not the point. You know all about squishing the press. #LiberalHypocrisy
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1. #ABC cancels #ROSEANNE because of a bad joke that she apologized for....

It’s against their.....values...

Let’s talk about the “values” of ABC....
2. #ABC embraces #KathyGriffin in an obscenity-laced tirade on #TheView, who TOOK BACK her “apology” for her disgusting severed head photo of our #POTUS and threatened 11 yr old Barron Trump with a “beat down”…
Kathy Griffin’s “art”
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To those who support #FreeTommy / #TommyRobinson, from someone with the actual qualifications to know what they’re talking about. A THREAD.
I’m a reporter who witnessed Tommy both live streaming in front of jurors outside #LeedsCrownCourt and him being sentenced inside the court.
For justified legal reasons, the press have been *temporarily* banned from reporting on a trial that is being heard in the court, but *will* report on it later this year. At the moment, we cannot even say which trial this is.
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Thread on Tommy Robinson and UK Law:

1) Tommy Robinson was arrested last Friday for "Breaching The Peace" outside of a courtroom. Inside the court, jurors were considering verdicts for the defendants that Tommy was recording. #FreeTommy #FreeTommyRobinson #FreeSpeech
2) Here are the cases and the schedule. Because the grooming gang was so large, there are three total cases. Two of them are shown here with the current schedule.
3) The Jury had retired to consider the verdict. Knowing this, Tommy pointed out the overnight bags of the defendants when they were entering the courthouse. Tommy suspected the verdicts were in and would be delivered on that day.
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Hoy continuaba uno de los juicios a las bandas de pederastias paquistaníes que han asolado RU durante décadas.
Tommy Robinson ha sido detenido en la puerta de los juzgados de Leeds, por estar retransmitiendo en directo la llegada de los acusados.
"Tommy nos advirtió sobre estas bandas de violadores.
Os reísteis de él y le llamasteis racista.
Tommy morirá en prisión a manos de estas bandas.
Os reiréis y diréis que le está bien empleado.
Entonces recordaréis que tenéis UNA HIJA"
El enlace anterior, de Katie, podemos escuchar a una víctima de estas bandas, que llamó al programa de radio de Katie, para contar como las autoridades la habían amenazado con acusarla de racismo cuando intentó denunciar los abusos de los que era víctima. Llegó a tener un bebé...
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You must remember that the secret to all of this is not to be afraid of fear. When you can really allow yourself to be afraid, and you don't resist the experience of fear, you are truly beginning to master fear.
The stage is set
Actors are a running to the dark corners like roaches in the light
The ones that are the loudest are the main characters as no one can be that deceived
It's raining #TheRainMakers
Here comes the PAIN! #PatriotsFight
God's in Control
#WWG1WGA #KAG #GreatAwakening
Thread by @_VachelLindsay_
1. I have no doubt that Obama will be indicted and found guilty of at least THREE major felonies, just from his central involvement in the framing of Donald J Trump
@threadreaderapp #ObamaGate #MAGA #WWG1WGA #QAnon #LockThemUp…
Read 139 tweets
Reading the #Laurier draft statement on freedom of expression. Some thoughts. 1/
Full statement is here:…

The statement mentions "thought" multiple times, incl as "critical thought" and "diversity of thought." But "knowledge" and its production not so much. Yet, I would say, the central goal of a university is knowledge production. 2/
The draft statement says, for instance, that @Laurier as an institution is "committed to advancing intellectual excellence rooted in diversity of thought and opinion in an inclusive learning environment." Let's ponder that for a bit. 3/
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🤡 (1) Twitter has never been all that friendly to conservatives but more than ever accounts are vanishing, week long twitmo punishments handed out, IP bans, #shadowbans and now big accounts are under attack. Spoiler alert: it’s going to get worse and here’s why... #seanhannity
(2) We all got “the email” the one that basically debunked #RussiaBots but @SenFeinstein & @AdamSchiffCA still wrote a letter (more on that later) BUT did you read the blog $TWTR shared? Because it’s important they informed us they had partners helping now. Who are they?
(3) Let’s start with the big fish, Common Sense Media, based out of San Francisco, hugely funded and owned by James (aka Jim) Steyer and guess who his brother is??
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"#ChuckAndNancy" #LimousineLiberals #Politics -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Genevieve Wood: Schumer Shutdown Makes Clear Democrats’ Real Priorities…

#SchumerShutdown | #tcot #PJNET
#LimousineLiberals #Soros #SJW #Antifa #LiberalFascism -- #DemExit #EPluribusUnum

Antifa Member in Custody After Hospitalizing 56 Year Old Outside ‘Night For Freedom’ Event…
| #tcot #PJNET
Read 107 tweets
🚨Attention #Resistance!

After following the Suggestions from @SpockResists below, dont forget to change your Search Settings as well!
Instructions Below👇

Then let's talk about what "Shaddowbanning" is Exactly & how to Recognize it!

2. First off, As you can see here when I search for my Friend @SpockResists under the people tab, @Twitter does not turn up any results -but he defintely exists!

To Solve this Click the Three Dots to the Right of the Search Bar.

3. This display has two settings. Uncheck the "Hide Sensitive Content" Feature.
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