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Oct 4th 2018
AMAZING how Underwood can knock this out in 48 hrs isn't it? I've only read 3 pages and it reads as a perfect projection of the #CLINTONS! Clinton crony Schneiderman out, Underwood in. Who's next?! @CharlesOrtel…
Hey Underwood @NewYorkStateAG, you may consider turning your focus to the Clinton's 50 foundations, organizations & shell companies. Oh, let's just be honest and call them what they are: FRONTS. Not a good idea? Too scared? Too owned?…
@NewYorkStateAG Underwood, tell us how it was being bred right out of Harvard into the hands of the Clintons? How was it working for Billy boy? You know what's going down at Dartmouth right? That leads to your buddies #ClintonCartel. Those Ivy Leagues.…
Read 10 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
How is this man Michel #Martelly, former President of Haiti and known drug trafficker, in NEW YORK RIGHT NOW?!?! This is from earlier today. @TGowdySC you requested an investigation into #Haiti DEA. What happened?! @DEAHQ @realDonaldTrump @DeptofDefense @JusticeOIG @WhiteHouse
Michel #Martelly #Haiti known #DrugTrafficker is in NEW YORK. @TGowdySC @DEAHQ @FBI @DeptofDefense @POTUS @JusticeOIG. WHY is he not being arrested?! This was the response he got!
#Martelly was penniless when he met Hillary. Now he has a $9 million dollar home while the rest of #Haiti starves!
Read 12 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
1-I have received a lot of emails, DM's etc in the last few months. A lot of them expressing concern about the research I do and to be careful. Even further, some of said emails do explicitly tell me that I am exposing powerful people, and that they are beginning to take notice..
2-My response was to redouble my efforts. I made the website you all know by now and I am working my ass off to update as often and thoroughly as possible.
What's more, I purposefully uploaded there a few pictures of myself to prove I am not afraid. Here are some more.
3-I am not the one usually to share pictures of myself (not to take selfies). However,, 'fear is the mind killer'. I am not afraid of 'them'. I am not afraid of anybody. Is anybody going to send a hit team to a remote Czechoslovakian village to take out a housewife?
Read 5 tweets
Aug 8th 2018
DOJ Boeing 757 being loaded down with boxes - Flight from Little Rock to VA... This seems to relate to the Fly Boy report tweeted by @yigsstarhouse re Clinton Library & Museum in Little Rock
#Clintons @BasedBasterd
2/On 08-08-18 DOJ & FBI land a 757 JUMBO jet in Clinton’s hometown of Little Rock; Load it with boxes & documents (apparently evidence); Then a stealth flight back to Virginia…
3/In early July, True Pundit reported FBI insiders complaining about Little Rock FBI’s lack of progress on the Clinton Fnd probe which they said was being hampered by a loyalist of Andrew McCabe & James Comey…
Read 17 tweets
Jul 12th 2018
1. Clinton friendship with Moscow runs deep. Very deep. We have a near half-century dossier connecting them.

The mainstream media hasn't called them out on this systematic pattern. The emperor has no clothes on.

#Russia #RussiaCollusion #Clintons #HillaryClinton
2. In 1971 Hillary went to work for Treuhaft, Walk, and Burnstein lawfirm.

(Some accounts place their first association as early as 1967)…
3. Treuhaft was such a problem he had been hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee. He was labeled as one of America's most "dangerously subversive" lawyers.
Read 24 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
1-The #Awan Brothers.
I haven’t followed the story closely, so I am no expert in the matter. I am just going to give you the highlights along with some sources of information for you to investigate.
But here is what I have:
2-Four brothers: Abid, Jamal, Rao and Imran Awan performed IT for the members of the House of Representatives & were abruptly fired on suspicion that they accessed congressional computers without permission. Hina Alvi, Imram Awan’s wife is also involved &likely a second wife too
3-According to various sources, they stole a bunch of equipment, which is the least of the problem. They have access to a lot of classified information, including war on terrorism and what not. What did they do with that information?
Read 26 tweets
Jun 28th 2018
1-The evening of the 22nd of June, Miss #SarahSanders (#WH press secretary) went for dinner with her family to this little place called ‘The Red Hen’. It seems that she was unceremoniously kicked out &harassed some more all the way across the street to the next restaurant
2-It seems somehow this incident has created some sort of mob-mentality wanting to harass Miss Sanders that has gotten to a point in which she now needs protection.……
3-What kind of person chases somebody down the street based solely on political opinions?
If u ever worked in a restaurant, u learn quickly that u have to deal with a lot of assholes &people you don’t like. You smile, curse them inwardly &hope you’ll never have to see them again
Read 87 tweets
Jun 8th 2018
and I came up with an idea 💡 to make our threads and digs more appealing to others, another way we can spread truth across platforms in the hopes to awaken more people..The First thread we’re working on is the
#cemex #OperationBackyardBrawl #SaveTheChildren
As it’s one people should Really be aware of and understand who these monster are.I recommend you read the dig on @ElemiFuentes page first, if you haven’t already and I’ll post as fast as possible to catch up.Hopefully this makes a difference to help red pill others😁
Read 31 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
1- Let's talk #CEMEX
The following work is not just mine, but a compilation of: @CoreysDigs @ScottAnthonyUSA @RebelPilled @NCDM18 @SolAdentro @cornholio74 @Patriot_17 @412Anon87 @MissRepresentU @The_War_Economy @WenjaminBalton & countless other anons that are doing research.
2-The story took off last night, but apparently has been going on for a couple of days. The group that called themselves ‘VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski’ (…), a group of veterans with different backgrounds & experience, dedicated to help other veterans
3-...are the ones that brought all this out to light.
They have been live streaming videos from the area, and #Facebook keeps taking them down.
What happened? VOP was in the area looking for homeless vets they could help.
Read 10 tweets
Jun 3rd 2018
545-#Naomi is certainly very cozy with the #Rothschild family. She seems to know David, Nat, James, & even Lord Jacob de Rothschild himself.
For somebody whose job is to look pretty and walk catwalks, she certainly seems well connected. Why would that be? 🤔
546-What about the #Bronfmans,? We'll get to that when we get to the charities part of it all. So, just for the fun of it, let's look at some other interesting friends of #NaomiCampbell
There is R. Tisci, pals with #Abramovic 👇……
547-She definitely knows the #ObamaFamily because they have cozy little gatherings at 10 #DowningStreet. This is where the #UK prime minister lives, just so you know.
Definitely knows #EltonJohns & what is more,goes to 'Elton John AIDS Foundation' parties
Read 15 tweets
May 14th 2018
468-How do I know these two organizations are associated? and/or work together? ☝️
Good question & is super hard to pinpoint. Sometimes is due to common projects in same locations (usually masked by a third or fourth party), & sometimes are certain names that pop in both
469-But sometimes, it is due to silly little mistakes like this article 👇
Here Dr. #Lee is credited with #COTN, except the charity 'children of the night's' site was never #COTN but this one
Sure this might just be all coincidence and/or mistake
470-Who is funding #Childrenofthenight? 🤔
Well, the late Johnny Carson host of 'Tonight Show' & Hugh Hefner (from #Playbody Mansion)
I don't know about Mr. #Carson, but rumour has it he had a very active sex live& even an x-rated tape got leaked to media.…
Read 25 tweets
May 11th 2018
They've been in the #ChildTrafficking, #OrganHarvesting black market business since 1984. What say you #Congress? 👈Explain!
Read 11 tweets
May 6th 2018
391-All this would be just a coincidence except...
That infamous #SpiritCooking' from #Wikileaks “Cooking w/ Fratelli Podesta”
Participants included J. & Tony Podesta, #Alefantis & First Lady of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe (wife Terry McAuliffe) + 90 guests
392-Look at the email… & click on attachments & download the guest list.
Guess who is there? Conrad #Cafritz
in a 2 hour event with not time for cooking, what exactly did happened there? 🤔…

Coincidences #Pizzagate is #FakeNews
393-Bill & Buffy (Pam's Cafritz parents from #NXIVM sex cult) which also have their own charity 'Buffy And William Cafritz Family Foundation ' are all tied to the same charities as the rest of the cousins & of course, the #Clintons & #SpiritCooking
Read 8 tweets
Jan 27th 2018
🤡 (1) Twitter has never been all that friendly to conservatives but more than ever accounts are vanishing, week long twitmo punishments handed out, IP bans, #shadowbans and now big accounts are under attack. Spoiler alert: it’s going to get worse and here’s why... #seanhannity
(2) We all got “the email” the one that basically debunked #RussiaBots but @SenFeinstein & @AdamSchiffCA still wrote a letter (more on that later) BUT did you read the blog $TWTR shared? Because it’s important they informed us they had partners helping now. Who are they?
(3) Let’s start with the big fish, Common Sense Media, based out of San Francisco, hugely funded and owned by James (aka Jim) Steyer and guess who his brother is??
Read 15 tweets
Jan 20th 2018
1) Here is a story of why we think #WeHaveTheMemo

See Q post below.

#DOJ, one is the investigation of the DNC breach and the #SteeleDossier. The #DNC was breached by #SethRich who sent the data to #Wikileaks. Highest levels made aware. Think big.

@POTUS #ReleaseTheMemo
2) #Google funded Crowdstrike w $100m. Brennan/Clapper used Crowdstrike thru Google to find leaker. #DNC finds out it's #SethRich. Q wrote: (SR 187)(MS 13 (2) 187). Example made of Seth, murdered by 2 #MS13 members, which were themselves killed a few blocks away. #WeHaveTheMemo
3) #DebbieWassermanSchultz shuts down #SethRich investigation. "Failed robbery attempt". Q says: F-I/D-J ASSIST - the #FBI and #DOJ assist in cleaning it up. Q then says "INSURANCE" - referring to Strzok texts.
Read 11 tweets

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