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Sep 21st 2018
Trump's speech tonight starts at 10pm Trump time (7pm PT). I will be live-tweeting video highlights. Follow me if you wanna know what's in the president's jet-lagged brain.
Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan used to broadcast from this same vantage point before Wrestlemania. #propaganda
.@AriFleischer is a purely destructive figure in world history. In 2018 he's still peddling lies and bad faith on Hannity.
Read 31 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
One of the reasons we do not want the #BRITISH in #Africa is because of the rubbish about we, the Natives. We do not want you here, even if you 'spoke to our 'leaders''... peddling your #bigwhitelies to a population for pity. You know NOTHING ABOUT us..
Nor do you make an 'effort' to ASK - instead, with a mule-headed white stubborness, you say we know nothing. Well, let us educate you 101 @BBCBreaking and @theresa_may. The picture you used - those elephants were NAPPING - SLEEPING 😂
Because the Brits are so QUICK to judge the 'AFRICAN' as 'backward' and use this propaganda that we're a 'wild and wicked bunch of helpless idiots' who cannot take care of their own wild life when the truth is - the poaching trade is controlled by CAUCASIANS and called #hunting
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Aug 28th 2018
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013, allowed for materials produced by the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors to be available within the United States.
The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption and a green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts.
The repeal of the #SmithMundtAct, which was introduced in the House in 2012 (and passed) as "HR. 5736 Smith-Mundt Modernization Act" effectively made domestic #propaganda legal.
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Aug 20th 2018
You've raised a valid Point @lesoi_ndoka - #CONservationists force #LOCALS pay to see Kenyan #wildlife.. #Business as usual?? Yet, @DSWT raises vasts amount of money through FUNDING and have branches of @DSWT throughout the world.
@MwangP01 @JamesOhayo @gathara @alaminkimathi
Take a look at this page for the David Sheldrick Wildlife Fund: - "You can foster an elephant for a Minimum annual donation of US$50 (GBP£35)" or 4515.35. They have millions of donations across the world..…
Charging our children 500/- or any Kenyan to touch and see Wild Life in Funded sanctuaries is plain wrong - #CONservation is about care - but unfortunately the truth is that it's big MONEY and locals are locked out..
Read 8 tweets
Aug 15th 2018
Q! 🔥 Thread for Tuesday, 8/15 #QAnon


[Read very carefully]…
"Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their (…
Q! 🔥 8/15 #QAnon
House of GOD?
Only the beginning.
Those who you are taught to trust the most….
Expect MANY MANY MANY similar reports to surface from around the world.
The choice to know will be yours.
Q! 🔥 8/15 #QAnon

"This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so (…
Read 26 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
#Burkas are like wearing a crusifix&should b defended,said Scots leader liberal+lesbian,irresponsibly ignoring that a crusifix is a symbol of #Christianity,which holds t western civilisation,while #nijab is a symbol of oppression enforced recently in #Islam by the #Saudi #Wahhabi
#Liberals accusing #Iranian govt of"oppressing women" who must wear a lose scarf,but do not protest against the #Saudi #Wahhabi reactionary dogma,while it's creeping as political #Islam to combat western #civilisation at the end.If it's sounds like fiction,think Saudi investments
Serious problem wth "western civilisation"mental health.Giving up easily to full veil wearing wthout asking what the cover symbolises,wthout questioning why it came from archaic #Saudi #Wahhabi #Sharia #Regime by force,is👉rejection of progressive western values.Period
Read 24 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Does AUSA Moira Kim Penza, prosecutor in the fed. #NXIVM #RICO criminal racketeering case, realize that her indictments of #NXIVM leader, Keith Raniere aka "Vanguard," last March, may have affected the outcome of the 2018 Mexican Presidential Election? #ArizonaMafia #Democrats
Moira Kim Penza is 1 of the main prosecutors in the federal #NXIVM #RICO criminal case. A #RICO case is very serious; it is 1 of the most complex types of prosecutions the U.S. Government can initiate. Moira's boss is Richard P. Donoghue, U.S. Atty for the Eastern District of NY.
Penza is a smart lawyer. According to publicly available information, she studied at Cornell Law School, a private Ivy League University located in Ithaca, New York. Cornell was ranked the #13 law school in America, out of 203 law schools, by U.S. News & World Report, in 2018.
Read 117 tweets
Aug 10th 2018
Meet #Israel's #Hasbara, which means #Propaganda, MSM Censorship Application👇🤨
This app came out about last year, and it is still on the iTunes store.
The app posts daily missions & TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY
#Trolls #Palestine #Gaza #BDS #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM
6yrs ago #Jerusalem, #IDF Rep:
"we are now located in the SAME building where the Foreign Journalists are,we have close working relationships w/ hundreds of journalists. In addition we launched media project working in many platforms,twitter in Arabic, Russian, French & English."
How #Israel-i Propaganda (#Hasbara) Works: #TheLuntzDocument
If you want to understand how the #propaganda works you need to read the Luntz document -- "The Key," Luntz says, "is the Claim that the Fight is Over Ideology, Not Land. About Terror, & Not Territory."
#Palestine #BDS
Read 35 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
#QAnon #QArmy #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
28 Oct 2017 - 1:44:28 PM

28 Oct 2017 - 12:33:50 PM

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.
#QAnon #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
Hillary has not been arrested yet but, when she is arrested and locked up in Guantanamo; her followers who have not yet been reached for the truth will not believe what she has done. I'm sorry for them. They are in darkness…
#QAnon #Winning #WWG1WGA #POTUS
Why is she doing all this? Does she needs money? Or is she still believes, she is madam president. How funny.
Hillary Clinton gets a new role: Executive producer with Steven Spielberg…
Read 14 tweets
Aug 6th 2018

If you still think Q is a farce, prank, shill or successful psyop played out on millions of people worldwide then ask yourself this. Why are there:
-3628 High Ranking RESIGNATIONS since Sept2017
#QAnon #Truth
Secondly folks...Ask yourselves this:
It surely wasn't reported by the MSM(Main Street Media).

The amount of research, data & information I've gathered & received through Q is insurmountable. Educate yourselves people.
So much you don't know.
Need more information? Ok. Here we go...
- Why is the MSM(Main Street Media) fighting so hard to discredit the Q Movement? WHO OWNS THE NETWORKS?

- Why are FB, Twitt, & YTube ONLY Censoring Conservative and #QAnon voices on their platforms? THINK AGENDA.
Read 15 tweets
Aug 2nd 2018
🦉🦉🦉Explaining #Kremlin #propaganda technique “political pluralism imitation.” The Russian-state owned and funded mass media has been employing this model in #Russia for a while. Lately, the Kremlin-linked agents are implementing it in the US and other Western countries. 👇
1. In Putin’s Russia, the political discourse is suppressed.
2. Unlike the USSR ideologists, the Kremlin propagandists understand the importance of the public opinion and positive image. “The sublimation of emotions on a political topic” is an important part of the engineered collective mentality.
Read 9 tweets
Jul 25th 2018
👇🧠⚡Thread on new #InformationWarfare #narratives: Many are wondering about the latest development: #Helsinkisummit, #Putin’s visit, #Trump’s open support of #Russia, etc. Is he insane? No. Russian psychological war manuals are hard to find. The sum up of the latest strategy:
A new strategy: Brainwashing Trump’s base and the rest of the society into whitewashing and normalizing Putin’s Russia. The new narrative is “Yes, Trump works with Putin. It is perfectly normal. Russia is a friend. Putin is good. Thank you, Russia, for helping Trump.”
This is how it is achieved—in the broad daylight. (The silence of the press does not help.)
Read 31 tweets
Jul 18th 2018
1) Here is an op-ed attacking free speech, but it has some good content and I think we should talk about it.…
2) The op ed is embedded in an analysis by @bigleaguepol but if you want to see just the video go here:
3) The title of this video op-ed is: “How The Far-Right Is Dividing Americans With Social Media.”

It is published by “Now This” and features Melissa Ryan, “Editor, Ctrl-Alt-Delete” and a “Visiting Fellow, Media Matters.”

Read 41 tweets
Jul 10th 2018
Communist "Code Words" that you should be vigilant:

Minimum Wage
Social Justice

#QAnons #Qanon8chan #QAnon #TheStorm #Censorship #Treason #Propaganda #PsyOps #TrumpTrain #MAGA
I missed a very important code and that is: Free
Like FREE housing FREE internet FREE cars
Nothing is free in this world
When they say Free and promise that the government will pay it because the government has removed your most expensive commodity and that is your
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Jul 2nd 2018
So for the first time in quite a while a newcomer hashtag had top spot on the #Hamilton68 Dashboard -- #walkaway. We remembered seeing this hashtag in the past few weeks but didnt really know what it was or follow up on it. #infosec #opsec
The background story on this hashtag #walkaway is a little strange & the number of bots, trolls, & fake testimonial promoting this hashtag is even stranger. Here's an example of a completely fake tweet highlighted by @daveweigel #opsec #infosec
We decided to look retrospectively at our own reverse engineered #Hamilton68 data. This is a wordcloud of 22893 tweets from our main Hamilton68 troll subset going from June 24th until now & #walkaway takes the #1 spot. #infosec #opsec
Read 31 tweets
Jun 29th 2018
How to select the media we use to be informed?
Be very careful about Fake News, which is nothing more than propaganda & give preference to independent media, so that you can analyze important issues based on facts and evidence.
Jewish Control of the Media in the United States and therefore around the World
see here
Read 156 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
1)Listen to deep state try to shut down the awakening, not happening unlucky for you..This one was my favourite #FULLOFSCHIFF line
“squashing freedom of the press” 🤣
2)Do you mean squashing or paying?? 🧐 cos it was the #DNC @HillaryClinton That “invested” in media.. The @wikileaks shows all the people that make up #Propaganda against @POTUS or anything not beneficial for your friends the Deep states global agenda..
3) The #FakeNewsMedia @CNN @nytimes @AP @NewYorker That continue to only publish hit pieces for your Queen @BarackObama..Wait, which one is the Queen?
🧐mmm @HillaryClinton hard to tell doesn’t matter not the point. You know all about squishing the press. #LiberalHypocrisy
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Jun 23rd 2018
💥 Enemies of Freedom💥

KEY🔑 to understanding what the Soros + McCain + Obama + Clinton Leviathan OSF/MCI/CGI/OFA/DNC are up to.

This must be stopped.


#KeepAmericaGreat 🇺🇸
This is in addition to the Smith- Mundt Repeal in 2013.

They claim propaganda is for countering terrorism etc.

They were busted using Twitter accounts to spread fake news before Trump even announced his entry into the presidential race.…
Forgot to add this one...

The Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) uses "Radio Free" around the world.

This was a known CIA operation that the C(👁️)A supposedly got out of in the early 80's.

They also have the "Voice of America" (VOA) and others.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 20th 2018
US Senators are planning to visit Russia, per Russian speaker Matviyenko…
GOP Senators to visit Russia for July 4—Independence Day. First official US delegation since the Kremlin attacked our democracy to elect Trump will reportedly include @SenShelby, @SenJohnKennedy, @SenatorHoeven. Nobody from Foreign Relations, Intel Cmtes…
Are GOP senators visiting Russia now as another prelude to a Trump-Putin summit? Why are Republicans making nice with the authoritarian govt that attacked our election, wages war on our allies, & is partially responsible for our daily Trump nightmare?? And on Independence Day ffs
Read 18 tweets
May 30th 2018
I'm starting a tread on how government, institutions & media intentionally seek to undermine white people.

Their propaganda is aimed at whites, to demoralise and divide us; and non whites to persuade them to see us as 'other' and privileged.

#Drip #Drip #AntiWhite #Propaganda
Their propoganda seeks to dehumanise us.

Google #whitepeople. We don't exist in our own right with individual hopes and dreams or group interests and culture; we are simply presented as adjuncts to the lives of non-whites.

#Drip #Drip #AntiWhite #Propaganda
Dehumanising and demonising us creates an environment where it becomes increasingly acceptable to attack white people.

Whites are the only race where verbal attacks are acceptable and even celebrated by society, media and government.

#Drip #Drip #AntiWhite #Propaganda
Read 12 tweets
May 17th 2018
May 5–9, 2018: 8,000 people in Russian military uniform marched in 20 US cities. A Russian tank in Ohio; the hammer and sickle in front of the White House. The US Senators approve it. The Kremlin funds it. 👇Thread on #HybridWar. @J_amesp @profcarroll @carolecadwalla @ushadrons
1. The #ImmortalRegiment is a grassroots initiative of Russian people hijacked by the Kremlin to carry out a hybrid war operation in 50 countries. It is supported by the federal agencies and an organization funded by the Kremlin. Russian embassies help to organize these events.
2. On the orders of the Russian Ministry of the Foreign Affairs, immigrants from the former USSR and Russians living abroad carry out the “Immortal Regiment” to promote Russian militarism and nationalism and the idea of an authoritarian leader amongst Russian diaspora.
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Apr 28th 2018
After 70 years of imperial/neoliberal indoctrination the web of lies is so obviously absurde (9/11, Skripal, WH = ISIS, etc.), that it is dissoluting. The empathetic humanity connects, closes ranks and sends their eternal psychopathic rulers and their lackeys into nowhere land.
The "evil empire" is a lifelong three year old child. I certainly loved my children at that age too, however only because they created not only a surreal mess, but also made steady progress.

A great documentary about psychopathy and society:
The elite invented "democracy" to protect them from the empathetic people. The media are their means for misleading the people sedated by "democracy". This is definitely a bad thing since the people have become educated and the elite almost totally insane.
Read 209 tweets
Apr 19th 2018
Propane Jane discusses how Donald Trump continues to desecrate the American presidency and why the Comey letter is still being used as a scapegoat for the willful bigotry, arrogance and ignorance of the @GOP base via @RickSmithShow…
Food for thought 💭...
Bernie Sanders was FAR more detrimental to Hillary Clinton’s campaign than James Comey.
FIFTY YEARS of the @GOP Southern Strategy and raced based voter suppression/disenfranchisement were FAR more detrimental to Hillary’s campaign than James Comey. Take that to the bank.
Read 36 tweets

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