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Thread: The slippery slope of undercover atheists
I begin with the Name of Allaah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.
“Were they created by nothing? Or were they the creators (of themselves)?” Qur’an 52:35
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#Postmodernism and the Muslim Today

In discussing the topic of postmodernism today with a colleague we arrived at a conclusion that the main opposition to #polygyny in today's postmodern world - including from Muslims - is rooted in the notion that (a) polygyny is a right
that men exclusively enjoy and (b) that men may enjoy that right unabashedly (that is, having legitimate sexual relationships with another woman).

The reason we touched on polygyny, a marital practice very few Muslims enjoin, is because of its "controversial" status in the minds
of those who claim #Islam to be a misogynistic religion. A claim now held by many Muslims who've been infected with postmodern sensibilities and methods of interpretation.

Our challenge to this was thus: postmodernism would tell us in general, and women in particular,
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SCIF = #USMilitary Security.
Why would ppl like @JohnBrennan and those who scream the loudest at #Trump
need access to sesitive intel?

#securityclearance #Revoked
Good descission.

@Comey @BarackObama Lauretta Lynch @NancyPelosi @RepMaxineWaters + many more are so stupid they use GMAIL to communicate.
A central account used by all. Create drafts but do not send.

Play Station. X-box. Ham Radio.
They think their communications are not logged.
They killed Osama Bin Laden of course right before @BarackObama 2 election.

No pics were taken of his body. No dna. No finger prints and to top it off they dumped his body in the ocean.
@BarackObama didn't want to offend the #Muslims.

Yet Saddam Hussein it took 11 days.
Read 13 tweets
One of #Canada #Ottawa's largest mosques loses charity status for promoting ‘hate and intolerance’ via @StewartBellNP…
“Many of the views expressed by the organization’s speakers are misogynistic, homophobic, racist and/or promote violence,” the @CanRevAgency Charities Branch wrote in a letter sent to the mosque president.
It means the mosque no longer benefits from the #tax advantages enjoyed by government-registered charities. Foremost, it cannot issue receipts allowing donors to claim their contributions as income tax deductions.
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#Burkas are like wearing a crusifix&should b defended,said Scots leader liberal+lesbian,irresponsibly ignoring that a crusifix is a symbol of #Christianity,which holds t western civilisation,while #nijab is a symbol of oppression enforced recently in #Islam by the #Saudi #Wahhabi
#Liberals accusing #Iranian govt of"oppressing women" who must wear a lose scarf,but do not protest against the #Saudi #Wahhabi reactionary dogma,while it's creeping as political #Islam to combat western #civilisation at the end.If it's sounds like fiction,think Saudi investments
Serious problem wth "western civilisation"mental health.Giving up easily to full veil wearing wthout asking what the cover symbolises,wthout questioning why it came from archaic #Saudi #Wahhabi #Sharia #Regime by force,is👉rejection of progressive western values.Period
Read 24 tweets
Wieder einmal demonstriert ein feministischer #Betamale und #Alphakevin, wie dämlich linksgrüne #Gutmenschen wirklich sind und wie wenig sie davon verstehen, was #Rassismus wirklich ist. Ich werde das mal Punkt für Punkt abarbeiten. #metwo

Danke, ganz gut eigentlich. Ist in #Deutschland ja auch nicht so schwierig, wenn man einsieht, dass man die Stunden des Tages nur jeweils einmal nutzen kann und sich im Leben entscheiden muss, was einem wichtig ist.


Ich werde normalerweise einfach Alman / Kartoffel genannt, ohne vorher gefragt zu werden. Die Frage vor der rassistischen Beschimpfung wäre für mich schon ein echter #Fortschritt. Stört es Dich eigentlich, wenn ich Dich linksgrünen Naivling nenne?


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9/11 was my 25 yr wedding anniversary.

I was at home in MN instead of New York holding a conference call.

Most of my team was in NY. I was introducing another team to explore a joint effort.

My guys were mostly Soviet Era Jewish immigrants.
2- My guys came over as teens in the 1980s.

I started the call when I received a call from my wife. (Ex wife now). She asked if I knew the WTC tower was hit. I said no and turned on TV.

Shortly afterward the second plane hit the second tower
3- everyone except me was in NYC or nearby

I told everyone on the call what was happening.

A guy from the new group exclaimed his fiance worked in the WTC. He dropped off. One of my guys said his wife, a pharmacist, worked around there too. I told everyone to take day off and..
Read 21 tweets
From #Pericles to #Trump: A brief history of the West in 21 tweets (including this tweet). Purpose is to show how through the muddled history there is a direct ideological train connecting Western Civ that is meaningful to talk abt. Obvs lots is missing. it's a tweetstorm. (1/21)
753 BCE: A little town called #ROME is founded on the banks of the Tiber in #Italy. It will invent the word Emperor & become the standard for all future western empires. Its language is still used on the seal of the American President, along w/ its symbol of the Eagle. (2/21)
387 BCE: Plato founds his Academy for philosophy in #Athens. In between bouts of mansplaining & homoeroticism they trailblaze the concept of using logic & reason to make sense of the world & develop tools for doing so we still use today. (3/21)
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1. Hilo sobre el extrañísimo combo Sharia, Feminismo, Diversidad Sexual y Derechos Humanos:


Read 508 tweets
0 En este #HiloIslam hablaré de manera muy condensada de cosas interesantes que te encuentras alrededor de la creación del #Islam

Les presento en la foto a WARAKA ibn Nawfal (o Waraquah), un sacerdote Nestoriano (Católico Romano) que vivió su vida adulta alrededor del 570 D.C.
1 Waraka o Waraquah estudió la Biblia, leyó una traducción al árabe del N. Testamento y "escribió el Nuevo Testamento en árabe" pero no está claro si esto significa que lo tradujo del griego o escribió la traducción de otra persona para que tuviera su propia copia.
2 La doctrina Nestoriana (Iglesia del Este) es una corriente que participó del concilio de Éfeso en el año 431. En esencia eran miembros de la iglesia de Roma, pero consideraban a María solo como la madre de Cristo, sin atribuirle los méritos y connotaciones divinas.
Read 16 tweets
I forewarn anyone reading this article:

There are some of the most graphic images of atrocities committed by Islam against children inside (there is a warning message before images)
They include Nigerians burnt alive, their bodies disembowled, beheaded... But it has to be shown.
Inside the article is a journey discovering the hypocrisy of #BigTech & Mainstream Media.
Fulani Herdsmen of Nigeria are a radical Islamic extremist group responsible for the murder of tens of thousands of Christians.
Google/Wiki show HAPPY pics- they are MURDERERS.
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On connaît mal la civilisation #arabe. Je ne parle pas de l'#islam. je parle de la civilisation arabe préislamique que l'islam a recyclée, & sur laquelle il est assis. C'est dommage. Petit #thread donnant 1 aperçu de ce qu'était l'Arabie préislamique divisée en 3 grandes régions.
1. L'Arabie Pétrée (au nord), carrefour de civilisation entre l'Europe, l’Égypte et l'Asie, Sa capitale #Bosra, ville majeure, dispose d'1 vie intellectuelle active, écrivains, penseurs, juristes, monuments somptueux, + grand théâtre de l'Orient antique.
2. C'est à #Bosra, à l'extrême nord de la péninsule, que le jeune Mahomet, qui accompagnait son oncle, le caravanier Abou Talib, a été initié par un moine chrétien nestorien, un certain Bahira, aux principes du christianisme, à l'époque majoritaire dans cette région d'Arabie.
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Some of the core drivers of the religio-political violence in #Nigeria are failures to harmonise religious, political & civic impulses. I will try to summarise and discuss some of them here. #NotAnotherNigerian @QuilliamOrg
1. #Nigeria is a civic state, with much devout religious practice, mainly Christian and Muslim. Religious loyalty should not undermine civic loyalty, but sometimes does. Eg should Muslims be concerned about the 'ummah' & Christians about fellow believers only? #NotAnotherNigerian
2. The #Nigerian state apparatus, including the legal system, is heavily influenced by Britain. The Muslim areas used to have traditional Sharia, and were part of the Sokoto Caliphate. Sharia always had many interpretations: many of these were civic in nature. #NotAnotherNigerian
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Yes, I’m an angry #Democrat.

We’re not a reasonable party anymore. We’ve exhausted ourselves with conspiracies & outrage while ignoring facts & careful analysis.

Then we have the audacity to complain about the fatigue of it all.

Let’s review the party’s madness. (1/11)
Since our #2016Election loss, we have flopped in every direction to find an excuse for our failure.

Blame the 63M deplorable Trump voters.

Blame the #ElectoralCollege.

Blame Comey.

Blame the Russians.

No. Stop it. Blame Clinton, the DNC, & her primary voters. They suck.
About those #Russians.

We have assured ourselves that Trump is a Russian traitor. We’ve held up the #SteeleDossier as proof.

Nevermind that CIA Director Brennan gave it “no particular credence.”

Rather than let Mueller find the facts, we’ve already executed POTUS for treason.
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#SPLCExposed: Southern Poverty Law Center Has More Than $90 Million In Offshore Funds via @freebeacon…

#SPLCEXposed @splcenter
What kind of nonprofit that has ‘poverty' in its name hoards nearly a hundred million dollars in offshore accounts? #SPLCExposed #SPLC @splcenter
This comes comes on the heels of the @splcenter paying $3.4 million to settle a case when it falsely accused and labeled Maajid Nawaz & @QuilliamOrg (a #Muslim working against radical #Islam) extremists:…
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Renew your intention with the first qiyam tonight and ask Allah to make you steadfast on His religion and help you make the most of this month.

#Ramadan #رمضان
The Messenger of Allaah ﷺ said: "In Paradise there are one hundred levels that Allah has prepared for those who strive in jihad for the sake of Allah. The distance between each two levels is like the distance between heaven and earth.
So if you ask of Allah, then ask Him for al-Firdous, for it is the middle of Paradise and the highest part of Paradise. Above it is the Throne of the Most Gracious, and from it spring the rivers of Paradise.”
صحيح البخاري
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The main reason the world of #Islam has been dominated is due to its lack of scientific advancements and knowledge.
The Western World used scientific developments from the Islamic world to increase its wealth, scientific progress, military, political and promotional power; finally, they colonized Muslim countries, leading them to the situation they’re now in.
The elites of the Islamic world should create a massive intellectual movement and a public demand for scientific progress, aimed towards reaching the peak of all sciences and knowledge.
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Maknawi Teratai Di Alam Melayu Dan Hiasan Di Masjid Tua
Ditulis oleh: Hasanuddin Yusof

(Ini adalah untaian)
#thread #AlamMelayu #Sejarah #BungaTeratai #Masjid #Islam #Melayu #Malays #History #Nusantarakita #Indonesia #Nusantara #Malay #SejarahMelayu
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Menurut Abdullah Mohamed, teratai merupakan perlambangan kosmologi, yakni tingkat-tingkat alam terbentuk yang bersandarkan pada hakikat ketuhanan-kealaman.
Kudup bunga teratai itu dilambangkan sebagai Abstract Oneness, atau 'kanz mahfiyy', atau Hakikat Muhammadiyah - segala-galanya terhimpun dalam satu perbendaharaan.
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We will just add these tweets to the "Coincidence Thread"

I'm here to tell you that these are not a coincidence & this is a just warning to repent. Places like Hawaii, California, Florida & NY have all but kicked God out.
I don't say these things out of fear, there is no fear in love
Hurricane Preparedness Week
2018 Hurricane Names that stuck out to me:
HIM = #Harvey #Irma #Maria
Remember Maria & Jose? Both are Spanish derivatives of Mary & Joseph #FujiwaraEffect #Sept23 #HurricanePrep #HurricaneStrong
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"Ulasan Pembunuhan Ahli Kanan Hamas Di Malaysia"
Ditulis oleh: Ayman Rashdan Wong
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#Isusemasa #Mossad #Malaysia #Palestine #Hamas #MarcapadaDunia #DrFadiAlbatsh #Islam #Israel #Gombak

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Isu yang paling hangat ketika ini ialah kes pembunuhan Dr. Fadi M. Al-Batsh, pensyarah UniKL dan juga ahli kanan kumpulan Hamas ketika beliau ingin mengimamkan solat subuh.

Tenggelam berita-berita tentang PRU.
Sisi-sisi positifnya: kita masih berprihatin dengan isu yang lebih besar yang menimpa umat seakidah. Kita masih mempunyai perasaan "outrage" terhadap pembunuhan pejuang pembebasan tanah suci Islam.
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"Penyebaran Wahabi Adalah Kehendak Amerika" - Putera Mahkota Saudi
Ditulis oleh: Ayman Rashdan Wong
#MarcapadaDunia #ArabSaudi #Wahabi #Malaysia #Islam #Isusemasa #Arab #AmerikaSyarikat #USA #Saudi #Wahhabi #Geopolitik #Sejarah
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Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), Putera Mahkota Saudi berkata, "kami menyebarkan fahaman Wahhabi atas permintaan sekutu (baca: US) untuk menentang Soviet Union" (نشرنا الوهابية بطلب من الحلفاء لمواجهة الاتحاد السوفييتي).
Benda tu memang betul pun. Sesiapa yang mempunyai fahaman paling asas tentang geopolitik pun tahu Saudi ialah sekutu US, dan kebanyakan masa fahaman Wahhabi/Salafi hanya digunakan sebagai alat untuk memajukan kepentingan bersama Saudi-US.
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Let me educate you @sardesairajdeep

The National movement set forth by Bankim Chandra, Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo,
Vande Mataram,mantra of an awakened🇮🇳, was diluted in the hands of Nehru’s leadership!

History-Muslims could dived 🇮🇳 due to being patronized by a faction👇🏻
INC extended concessions to Muslims to join freedom struggle
They remained British allies upto the end.
Leader of a leftist faction (harbouring a deep seated animosity against #Hindu society & culture, ignorant of both #Sanatana / Islam) in #Congress was JL #Nehru !
It had been proclaimed in 1947 that the so called communal problem had been solved forever;

hardly 70yrs have passed and the Muslims have started speaking the same language which they used before the partition of India?
Read 14 tweets
1) Today Whistle-blower #ChristopherWylie appeared in front of #British #MPs.

Did he inadvertently connect the dots on the very strange and developing relationship between the #democrat party and #MuslimBrotherhood?

#QanonPosts #Q #QAnon @POTUS #TheStorm #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp
2) Wylie was testifying about his work for #CambridgeAnalytica and while testifying, he revealed his predecessor was found dead in a hotel room... in #Kenya. Why does that matter?

#Africa #QAnon @POTUS #DrainTheDeepState #CORRUPTION #MurdochMysteries…
3) Recall recent #Q post regarding #Kenya.

His predecessor Dan Mursean died mysteriously in Kenyan hotel room in 2012 working for President Uhuru Kenyatta's re-election campaign.

Look at #QanonPosts below.

MB = #MuslimBrotherhood.

Something's swirling.

#MAGA #Weird #QAnon
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The announcement by the #POTUS that he is replacing National Security Advisor LTG H R #McMaster with #Ambassador #JohnBolton is great news. This is an over due change that I wish Mr #Trump had made long ago.
John #Bolton is probably the most experienced and capable #diplomat in America today. He will be coming in at a critical time when the #President needs solid advice on dealing with #Iran, #NorthKorea, #Russia, #ISIS, and an array of other threats.
As for LTG #McMaster, I thank him for his service and wish him the best in the future. That said, there were issues, as I see them, regarding the #General’s tenure.
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