The announcement by the #POTUS that he is replacing National Security Advisor LTG H R #McMaster with #Ambassador#JohnBolton is great news. This is an over due change that I wish Mr #Trump had made long ago.
John #Bolton is probably the most experienced and capable #diplomat in America today. He will be coming in at a critical time when the #President needs solid advice on dealing with #Iran, #NorthKorea, #Russia, #ISIS, and an array of other threats.
As for LTG #McMaster, I thank him for his service and wish him the best in the future. That said, there were issues, as I see them, regarding the #General’s tenure.
Ltg #McMaster was an #Obama acolyte who shared the former president’s blind spot on #Islam. He was never able to get beyond the @BarackObama era talking points about Islam and how it is a great #religion that has been hijacked by #radicals.
Unquestionably the majority of the #Muslims in the world are not suicide bombers but #McMaster was never able to fully accept that there were millions who hate us because they consider us #infidels. Either he never read the #Quran and #Hadith or he was just ignoring reality.
The #general also refused to ferret out and eliminate the #DeepState holdovers from the #Obama administration. You do not have to look too far to find the “Leakers” in the #WhiteHouse. They are predominately these @BarackObama loyalists who #McMaster would not fire.
General #McMaster disagreed with the #President on key issues and irritated the president with his pedantic and tutorial briefing style. @realDonaldTrump, The Commander in Chief, does not like being talked down to apparently. No surprise there.
Mr Trump has been abundantly clear that he wants to withdraw from the JCPOA (#IranDeal) but #McMaster has been an impediment to that effort.
#AmbassadorBolton will not be eager to go to #war as some people fear. He is a reasonable man who realizes that the use of our #military must be done only when careful consideration + thought has gone into all possible options. #potus#bolton
#NOKO is following the same pattern of diplomacy that they have always done. They have made pledges that they had no intention of keeping and then they cry foul when the US holds them accountable.
This is the norm but also it is a dangerous game for #KimJongUn because #PresidentTrump has a great deal at stake and Kim does not understand how determined the #POTUS is to WIN.
#President@realDonaldTrump's words, whether you accept his apology and his explanation, do not comport with his actions and his foreign policy toward #Russia. He has been one of the hardest presidents on Russia in recent memory.
Where was the outrage when @BarackObama told Medvedev to inform #Putin "After my election I have more flexibility,"? I think much of the outrage being expressed- especially by #Republicans- is politically motivated.
However, what @realDonaldTrump said was not right. It DID undermine our #IntelligenceCommunity, and it was a mistake. He has since corrected it and walked it back.
In last 24hrs one of the most historic summits of our age took place. Historic because 3 presidents, #Clinton, #Bush, & #Obama, never secured an opportunity like this w/#NorthKorea leadership.
The fact that @realDonaldTrump secured this meeting, and did so only 18 months into his presidency, shows his determination to keep his campaign promises to the #American people.