Propane Jane™ 🔥💣 Profile picture
Apr 19, 2018 36 tweets 9 min read Read on X
Propane Jane discusses how Donald Trump continues to desecrate the American presidency and why the Comey letter is still being used as a scapegoat for the willful bigotry, arrogance and ignorance of the @GOP base via @RickSmithShow…
Food for thought 💭...
Bernie Sanders was FAR more detrimental to Hillary Clinton’s campaign than James Comey.
FIFTY YEARS of the @GOP Southern Strategy and raced based voter suppression/disenfranchisement were FAR more detrimental to Hillary’s campaign than James Comey. Take that to the bank.
It’s been 15 months and folk still haven’t learned a damn thing...
For the umpteenth time, you can’t use James Comey as the scapegoat for Hillary’s election “loss” because she won by ~3 million votes. What you mean to say is the White majority is still desperate for an excuse that will help them avoid facing their own bigotry/misogyny/stupidity.
Let me break down the logic so you can see how preposterous this shit really is...
Hillary lost the electoral college despite winning ~3 million more votes nationwide due to the voting patterns of *White voters* and the extent of racist GOP voter suppression and Russian fuckery in the swing states, namely WI, PA and MI. Let’s call them ground zero.
What exactly is it about White voters in ground zero that made them so uniquely suited to be effectively propagandized by the Comey letter in a way that NO OTHER demographic in America was? Why pretend they weren’t already gonna vote for Trump from jump? 🤔
If your point is Comey’s letter lent credence to the predominantly White perception that Hillary was corrupt and untrustworthy, then there’s no way both Trump and Bernie’s charges of “rigging” and the GOP’s 30 year vilification of her legacy weren’t catalysts of that propaganda.
In other words, White voters in ground zero had already been sufficiently primed by decades of right wing smears to believe that the White lady who cavorts with Black voters and the first Black POTUS was not to be trusted or voted for. Bernie and Trump religiously affirmed them.
These people were never going to vote for Hillary, and if they’re still using Comey’s letter as an excuse for it, they need to explain why they were so prone to believing every word he said about her then but none of what he’s said about Trump henceforth.
Spoiler alert: they can’t explain it because it’s total bullshit.
I don’t wanna hear shit else about how the White voters in ground zero are so fucking ignorant that they can’t tell fact from fiction and needed Hillary to hold their hand and explain to them why fascism was a bad idea in 2016. They asked for this fucking chaos and they got it.
All of these people knew what the choice before them was in 2016. They knew Trump was a dumbass bigot crook and that Hillary’s spent a lifetime in public office championing the equal rights of people they hate and fear. Do NOT let these fuckers hide behind James Comey.
People need to stop pretending Hillary didn’t win White voters in ground zero because of Comey or some innate failure of hers to message them appropriately. They knew she planned to be Obama’s 3rd term and wasn’t gonna stop rebuking White Nationalism so they rejected her. Period.
The White American majority heard Hillary’s message loud and clear, they just preferred racism, sexism and stupidity instead. No amount of scapegoating James Comey is going to change this reality or stop the GOP or our foreign adversaries from capitalizing on it.
Make no mistake, the mental gymnastics on display here are White guilt, denial and fragility in action. None of these people want to own up to how bigoted and un/misinformed they are. None of them want to admit they’re aiding and abetting fascism in America.
I don’t care if they consider themselves left, right, moderate or “Independent”, ONLY the White American majority of voters was careless enough with their votes/lives to believe ANY shred of fake news nonsense that affirmed/validated their undue skin privilege in this country.
These people wanted to believe the absolute worst of Hillary because FIFTY YEARS of the Southern Strategy have convinced them that Democrats “only” want to give non-White people government handouts and/or are too incompetent/weak to help White people the same way the GOP does.
This is why Bernie’s whole motivation in politics is to prey on *White* disapproval and criticisms of the Democratic Party that are ultimately just rooted in the same implicit bias that caused the Starbucks manager to “inexplicably” call the cops on law abiding Black people.
This is why they can never tell you what exactly it is they find so problematic w/the Democratic Party and its decidedly Black female base. This is how somebody like John Lewis gets labeled the establishment. The DNC isn’t White male enough for them, that’s WTF they mean, y’all.
I’m in no way shape or form here to defend Comey or absolve him of the role he played in assisting the White patriarchy’s anti-Hillary/Obama/Democrat smear campaign, but y’all are delusional af if you think he wasn’t just bringing more sand to the Bernie/Jill/Trump/GOP beach.
It would save us all a shit ton of time, energy and anguish if we finally just admitted outright that the White American majority is prone to propaganda because privilege is a deterrent to good insight and judgment.
This shit has become so redundant and convoluted that folk don’t even realize that all blaming the Comey letter for election 2016 does is further confirm that White voters willfully fell for blatant propaganda from Russia and still haven’t learned from it. Tell us something new.
Every ounce of commentary about Hillary’s emails or alleged rigging of the Democratic primary by her and/or the DNC is a fucking cyberattack. Anything Comey mentioned about an imaginary investigation into these baseless charges was a cyberattack too. Wake the fuck up already.
Y’all need to be more focused on why the White American majority insists on believing pure horseshit when the messenger is sufficiently White, male, ignorant and/or hateful. Ignoring it won’t make it stop.
Get it through your thick ass skull that Comey belongs to the EXACT SAME demographic target of Putin’s propaganda. He was a sentinel troll and so were Bernie and Trump.
Y’all need to get busy cooking up some new alternative facts because this weak ass Comey tea you’re living and dying by will NEVER explain why the White American majority hasn’t voted Democrat since the passage of the Civil Rights Act in 1964/Voting Rights Act in 1965. Hop to it.
People are smoking crack if they think we’re gonna prevent the resurgence of Jim Crow at coffee shops when we don’t have sense enough to recognize it in our voting booths and election results. GTFOH.
I still don’t see the punditry class discussing the fact that ‘16 was the 1st prez election post SCOTUS sanctioned GOP fuckery of the VRA in ‘13 or their blatant disenfranchisement of Black voters in the swing states. They’re too busy giving White folk the excuse of James Comey.
I still don’t see the punditry class discussing how 8 years of a Black POTUS, the prospect of a woman POTUS on his coattails, and rapid demographic change is what “drove” the White American majority to cling even harder to the @GOP. They want you to think it was Comey’s letter.
Y’all aren’t gonna get to use Comey as a shitty excuse when America is browner in 2020 and the White electoral majority is still voting as racist, sexist and stupid as they’ve been voting for the last 54 years, so when do we get to the part where we just face basic fucking facts?
Comey wasn’t their first and he won’t be their last. The same is true for Bernie, Jill and Trump.
Connect the damn dots.
How American Racism Influenced Hitler…
Comey Confirms: In Clinton Emails Caper, the Fix Was In… #Comeygate #Propaganda #FakeNews #WeToldYouSo
James Comey dismisses GOP report on Russia as 'political document'… via @NBCNews

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Oct 9, 2018
I don’t begrudge their secrecy either, but how exactly are the ~60% of White men who vote GOP ever going to evolve away from misogyny if not even the women in their lives feel safe enough to speak their minds? This is the American Taliban.
No one is explicitly addressing the narcissism and sociopathy of *mainstream* White American male culture from within its ranks. It’s literally shooting up the public square, desecrating the US government, waging endless war abroad/at home and killing the planet with IMPUNITY.
It’s already painfully clear they won’t listen to the marginalized groups they’re oppressing, but the fact that there’s literally been no appreciable impact of White on White peer pressure on the WM majority for so long in this country should be cause for much greater concern.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 8, 2018
How are they possible Democratic voters if a) they don’t know or care what the party stands for b) they can’t be bothered to listen to or be intersectional with the marginalized groups that ARE the Democratic base c) they can’t tolerate confrontation of White male supremacy? 🤷🏾‍♀️
Listen Bros, I understand that you haven’t had a party to proudly call your own since GWB irreparably destroyed the GOP in the 2000s. I’ve documented it at length. None of this means you get to commandeer a coalition you don’t even actually support.
Rather than work internally to change the GOP or establish a viable 3rd party for Bros who are aware enough to be embarrassed by the GOP, they seek to meet their ends on the backs of the women, POC and LGBTQ who anchor the Democratic Party. HELL NO, Bro.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 8, 2018
Respectfully, what you also aren’t getting is that the White privileged psyche of MAGAts, Klansmen, Nazis and other GOP isn’t unique to them or completely absent from the folk on the Left who routinely thwart Democratic objectives out of spite for women and POC. Slash that.
@philip_md1 I don’t make exceptions for racist/misogynist fuckery on the left. If these people want to actually join the Democratic Party, they need to listen for once in their lives and learn how to be RELIABLE allies to the base of the party. If not, they can GTFOH.
@philip_md1 You really need to take the time to read MLK’s Letter from Birmingham jail because if you still don’t see how White “moderates” are equally responsible for this disaster, you’re aiding and abetting it.
Read 4 tweets
Oct 4, 2018
LOL if I’m honest I’d say I’m struggling to even figure out which one you’re referencing because aren’t they all?! 🤷🏾‍♀️🤪 Either way you’re guaranteed to find it on a) my wakelet page (link in bio) or b) my Moments tab #onhere.
@noralove It’s gonna irk me until I figure it out though 😂 is it this one?
Read 5 tweets
Sep 28, 2018
Seriously though, where is Mark Judge? WTAF?!
I thought it was so disingenuous how Kavanaugh cited Mark Judge’s substance addiction as a reason why he shouldn’t be brought into this as if their mutual relationship with beer isn’t at the heart of this controversy.
Not only that but it’s also highly plausible that the sheer stress of keeping his and Kavanaugh’s dirty secrets concealed over the last few months triggered a relapse or exacerbation of Judge’s addiction.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 24, 2018
I love how people keep declaring a constitutional crisis every day as if we haven’t already been in one perpetually since 1/20/17. 🙃
Who would’ve guessed that the illegitimately installed sociopath would behave like an illegitimately installed sociopath every fucking chance he gets?! Who would’ve guessed that his Republican enablers would actually use the rubber stamp they nominated?
Every Congressional Republican who’s up for re-election in November should be VOTED OUT simply on the grounds that they’ve aided and abetted Trump’s illegitimate and illegal occupation of the White House for going on 2 years. Mueller shouldn’t have to be doing their job for them.
Read 6 tweets

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