Greg Lukianoff Profile picture
CEO @thefireorg. #Freespeech lawyer. Author Unlearning Liberty, co-author Coddling of the American Mind w/ @JonHaidt Opinions are mine
Jul 27, 2018 10 tweets 7 min read
Please read this thread @davies_will which addresses your @gdnlongread @guardian: “The #freespeech panic: how the right concocted a crisis” The idea that #FreeSpeech is now a "conservative issue" is sprinting to become the new dogma. 1/10 In the process, the article lumps together a cast of characters including @sapinker, @NAChristakis, @RichardDawkins, @SamHarrisOrg, & @JonHaidt — none of whom are conservative — as if they are part of an epic right-wing ruse. 2/10