How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App[cw rape apologist, misogyny] Trump calls for "strengthening" libel laws, it's because he wants to silence those survivors who wish to come forward. He wants to turn defamation into an even sharper weapon to cut down those who dare defy the violence of patriarchy. 2/'ve used some of the precious little good time I get to pursue an advocacy strategy of mobilizing comments on administrative regulations. I know that sounds geeky af – that's because it is. POTUS acts mostly through agencies & departments. That bureaucracy has to issue rules was being worked up in the ED one night for a small bowel obstruction, the imaging was _very_ concerning. it's this hard to navigate the health care "system" is it any wonder people turn to alternative medicine? Is it any wonder they'll see an ND even if homeopathy...look, water, as a matter of objective scientific fact, doesn't have memory.'s also "documentary evidence" – evidence in the form of documents. The notes of the therapist? Those are documentary evidence. In a court that documentary evidence might be accompanied by testimonial evidence from the therapist explaining their context, etc. was taught that as an :undergraduate: had a plan. I did all of the legwork I could, despite running into roadblock after roadblock after roadblock – because "patient empowerment" is an empty slogan. This is the reality: a man and as a lawyer, I believe Professor Christine Blasey Ford. Her account is highly credible. She knew what would happen when she came forward – she knew they would do everything in their power to destroy her. She spoke out anyway.
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First, you should know that I'm extraordinarily sensitive to changes in psychotropic medications. That sensitivity has put me in the ED about half a dozen times? It took me about a year to discontinue lexapro, using the liquid formulation to titrate slowwwwwwly
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Why should you listen to me?
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by @StefanKertesz view original on Twitter
.@lpackard didn't plan to get sick. She didn't know she was going to get diagnosed with cancer. But it happened anyway and she needed care in order to stay alive. (click on her tweet to read more about the pre-ACA plan she had)
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