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Aug 7th 2018
Your taxes HAVE been increased~ don’t mistake the little more back you got back~if you got any~ 2B lower taxes.

It was a con~ give you a little, take a lot~ after you’ve already voted.

They cut their own taxes ‘permanently’~they’re running the biggest deficit ever

The con is~you won’t start paying til they’re gone.

The next Democrat Administration is going to be buried in unimaginably more debt.

Republicans run a deficit, the rich steal as much as they can~

Then they blame the Democrats for raising taxes loudly until they win again
Rinse, repeat ~ this time they stole a ridiculous amount more while 45 kept our attention ~

They’ve ran this con for decades. The money behind the GOP has had criminal tendencies ~ they’ve conned their base ~ 45 is just obvious about it.

#resist #persist #takeitback
Read 3 tweets
May 27th 2018
URGENT SPECIAL EDITION from @inspiredjen and @AoCChecklist:

As Americans of conscience, we value showing respect for all people, no matter where they were born.


How can you help? See below for script and more...1/
✏️Script: Dear [name], During a Senate oversight hearing, Steven Wagner stated that the whereabouts of 1,475 immigrant children are unknown. 2/…
✏️Script (cont): Our nation has a moral responsibility to protect children and treat them with basic decency, regardless of immigration status. 3/…
Read 20 tweets
May 10th 2018
As the 2018 mid-terms draw near, its time to start educating Trump supporters how we will counter-act the crazy libs... we will NOT fight fair, nor will we let them win with their Saul Alinsky “Rules for Radicals” manual.

We will use it against them.. thread to follow:
Alinsky was against American principles and wrote the manual on how to “disrupt”, “resist”, persist”... “isolate” and damage opponents... we will use the same tactics to our advantage as PATRIOTS & CONSTITUTIONALISTS...

We will NOT allow them any advantages
Read 29 tweets
Feb 2nd 2018
Democrats today seem to believe several things:
1. Their goals are more important than honesty.
2. Conducting illegal activities is ok as long as you can properly hide the evidence.
3. If you get caught doing something the party will stand by you if it is political survival.
4. In order for the party to defend itself from investigations it will always blame the opposition for something similar in order to say to its supporters: “Its not fair”
5. In order to hinder support for the opposing party, they will attempt to make everything a moral decision, claiming that Trump, and his decisions, and those that vote for him are immoral! (AKA racist, sexist, homophobic, and the big term coined by Obama: “systematic racism”)
5. In order to show “morality” they will oppose anything the President says and does! #ResistanceFirst..
Read 9 tweets
Nov 27th 2017
Here's a woman at an anti-nazi protest in Dallas. Yes, she's holding her relative's prison garb from the #Holocaust. #NoNazis
Here's the permanent marks of an evil bureaucracy.
Here are the shoes of Auschwitz victims.
Read 31 tweets

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