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Oct 8th 2018
WOW! Tomorrow is #RVACouncil. Did you almost forget? I did. Whew. Time flies.

Well let’s take a little look at this week’s agenda! #RVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Citizen Comment has 1 person signed up. Eric will be speaking about the city’s neglect.

#RVACouncil πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Board Appointments and Reappointments include a people being appointed to the Sister City’s Commission, Advisory Task Force for the Economic Revitalization of South Richmond, and Human Rights Commission.

#RVACouncil πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Read 26 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
Tonight! #RPSBoard meets at 6PM in #RVACouncil chambers on the 2nd floor of city hall! Packed agenda with lots of interesting information. Some of the documents to be reviewed included in this thread. #RVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
The final Strategic Plan will be proposed to #RPSBoard. Of note is this document is only the final actions, not the goals.

Priorities 1, 2, and 3 are found in this tweet. πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Strategic Plan priorities 4 and 5 are found in this tweet. #RPSBoard πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Read 13 tweets
Jul 22nd 2018
Late night reading a Style Weekly article from 2006 about Paul Goldman. Anyone else read it and get a sense of dΓ©jΓ  vu? πŸ‘€

Brace yourself for a thread of receipts. (1/25)
#RVA #RVAMayor #RVACouncil #RPSBoard πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Unless you’ve been under a rock for the past year, you have probably heard about the β€œSchool Modernization Referendum.” Here is a great article that summarized what it is. Basically what it does is tell #RVAMayor @LevarStoney to get a plan together (2/25)…
to fully fund school infrastructure without raising taxes or publicly state it can’t be done. This was put forward by none other than Paul Goldman and carried primarily by the Richmond Crusade for Voters. The original plan was for Loupassi and Sturtevant to carry (3/25)
Read 26 tweets
Jul 4th 2018
We are loaded up for the @theValentineRVA’s Monumental bus tour! Let’s start with context of demographics. Approximately 40-45 people on board. I see about 3 people who are under 50 (2 of them is). Majority of bus is white. Approx. 3 people of color. #MonumentalRVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Tour guide states they will talk about history of monuments and context they went up in. Clear there will be no debates about what should happen to the monuments. #MonumentalRVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Just past 1790 house of John Marshall (Chief Justice of Supreme Court) is a Monument to the John Marshall Core of Cadets which was predecessor of ROTC. On site of former John Marshall High School. #MonumentalRVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Read 76 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
Just arrived at the community meeting to call for justice and accountability for #MarcusDavidPeters. There are chairs reserved for #RVAMayor @LevarStoney and @RichmondPolice Chief Durham. Will they come to fill them? #HelpNotDeath πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
The demands and additional information. #MarcusDavidPeters #HelpNotDeath πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
We are about to get started and I’m counting over 75 attendees. No #RVAMayor or Chief Durham at this point but 9th District #RVACouncil member @thedrmikejones is in attendance. #MarcusDavidPeters #HelpNotDeath πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Read 106 tweets
Jun 21st 2018
This is a thread that is intended to show how important community involvement and advocacy is. People often speak about gentrification as if it is an inevitable conclusion to development but recent efforts by South Richmond community members tell a different story. #RVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
In March 2018, @StyleWeekly named Michael and Laura Hild β€œBest Revivalist Couple” in their Best of Richmond edition. #RVA
Following a May community meeting, on June 15th @__MarkRobinson reported on the expansion of Manchester Historic District. He states that investment following historic district designations often coincide w/ gentrification. #RVA πŸ§œπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Read 14 tweets

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