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Jun 30th 2018
There is so much ugliness in the world. The #Hivites are not only working as hard as they can to create as much chaos & negativity in the world as possible, they are also contributing to that swell of negativity with their own DREAD & HATE. I refuse to contribute to that feeling.
There is going to be ugliness & violence, probably more frequently, as the stakes get higher & the #Hivites continue losing ground. I know there is so much bad news to report, & everyone is angry & wanting justice. The DEMAND for justice is palpable. And it is good. But...
Truly, the very BEST thing #WeThePeople can do is counter-BALANCE this negativity with LOVE. With COMPASSION. With honest recognition of truth & firm, unwavering enforcement of reasonable BOUNDARIES. How would you speak to a 4 year old? Do that with these bad actors. Because...
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