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Oct 6th 2018
@McV_Awakening My dad claimed the Hivites have been tasked by God to commit as much evil as they can imagine until humans "wake up" and stop falling for it & see them and shut them down. So basically, this is a test. If we pass, "God" returns, which in the story is Enki (EA) from Sumer tablets.
@McV_Awakening He could have just said things like this to confuse me & get me to accept abuse. He's a confirmed liar and a mind control master, so his word should not be taken at face value. The research I've done, however, also points to Anunnaki/Sumer/Temple of Inanna as the root of Hivites.
@McV_Awakening Basically their (Hivites) entire existence essentially serves a function: Inoculation of humanity/consciousness to evil & clear demonstration of why cannibalism & deception should be avoided (because it kills the cannibal's body & harms the deceiver).
Read 9 tweets
Oct 6th 2018
What if the only reason 'benevolent' aliens haven't made their presence known to us is because we're still falling for the divide/conquer, dominate/consume deception game the #Hivites create for us, contrary to nature & logic, which basically means we're living in Hell? #QAnon
Let this sink in: Status quo will continue until #WeThePeople demand an END to the practices of deception, mind control, ritual abuse, child prostitution, human sacrifice, and cannibalism. Our great lesson as a species is to mature beyond evil so it can't corrupt earth again.
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Sep 21st 2018
@POTUS This graphic is very important. If UK and Australia are NOT supposed to have info on the phoney FISA warrent, but they are currently being observed talking about it, what does that tell us? Welcome to another sting. Bait worked #ByePhoenicia #ItEndsNow #theGreatAwakening #QAnon
Read 17 tweets
Sep 16th 2018
Do NOT underestimate our enemy. #WeThePeople are being regularly engaged by mind controllers, master manipulators, professional con artists, & people whose only goal is to keep us silent/distracted so no one catches on that they are EATING PEOPLE #Cannibals #Hivites #QAnon @POTUS
Post #2178 Sep 15 2018 23:19:00EST


Listen carefully to @GenFlynn's choice of language & who he selected to quote. The obligation to defend Liberty never ends. Our Freedom is only as secure as our willingness/ability to preserve it #WWG1WGA #QAnon @POTUS
Read 57 tweets
Sep 11th 2018
My father explicitly told me in 1994-5 that "The Family" were DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the 1993 WTC bombing. He said "Humans need tragedy in order to unite for good." He said "The Family" will perpetrate terrorism until the world wakes up & sees "It's us" (meaning THEM: #Hivites)
If that's not clear enough for y'all, allow me to spell it out for you:

"The Family" (aka Hivites/Bloodlines) are responsible for ALL "Islamic Terrorism" including BOTH WTC BOMBINGS (because 9/11 was a controlled demo/bombing, not just an accident).

We will never forgive this.
Did I mention that one of the WTC original architect's grandson was a classmate of mine at #Hivite/CIA grooming school, Roeper? This grandson specifically told me in 1999 that the WTC was designed to WITHSTAND IMPACT & BURNING FUEL TANK OF A 747. Now WHY would he know/say that?
Read 6 tweets
Sep 8th 2018
@SaRaAshcraft are these #Hivites? (2015 story, LA Times)
—“Masonic Fraternal Police Department”
—“go back 3,000 years.”
—claims “jurisdiction in 33 states and Mexico”
—one was aide to Kamala Harris
—photographed w Maxine Waters…
“The exact structure of the purported police department was unclear. But on the website, Henry is referred to as ‘Absolute Supreme Sovereign Grandmaster.’”
“The three were members of a religious philanthropy group that does work in South Los Angeles.”

“Their work put them in contact with various politicians and community leaders.”
Read 3 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Did anyone else notice the conversation just blew up in 50 different directions? I sense some #HiviteTactics at play. #Discernment #UseLogic Stay focused on the evidence, which means keeping the topic of discussion on #DECLAS #IGReportUnredacted #TREASON #EnemyCombatants #QAnon
Read 22 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
PAY ATTENTION : #Hivites are using the media to signal to each other and attempt to trigger Mind Control victims. These things are NOT a coincidence. #HangryHangryHivites are trying to get their feed bags home and frightened so they can EAT, get it? #ByePhoenicia #QAnon @POTUS
@POTUS Other #MKUltra mind control survivors are noticing this too. @ShurterD
@POTUS @ShurterD For any survivors out there who may be affected by the escalating #HiviteTactics and attempts to trigger/access mind control, I hope some of this may help. You are not alone. #SurvivorsUnite #WWG1WGA #ItEndsNow #theGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS #WeThePeople
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
@POTUS The recent National Preparedness month declaration was not a coincidence. This is WAR. #WeThePeople have a Constitutional obligation to be ready & able to defend ourselves/communities. Remain vigilant & alert, but also faithful & brave. It may get weird for a bit. #WWG1WGA #QAnon
Read 94 tweets
Sep 2nd 2018
1) Taking a break from my Payseur Trust investigation...

Instead, going to take you all back a bit further in time. Let me introduce to you, two groups of people history forgot...

Or shall I say "purposefully erased."

Buckle up, it's bad guy time...

#QAnon #TheGreatAwakening
2) The Venetians, and the Khazars...

Gulp... Have to be careful with the latter, as we'll soon see...
3) Both groups were heavily influenced by, and dominated Mediterranean and Black Sea trade in the centuries prior to, and just after 1,000 AD...
Read 46 tweets
Aug 31st 2018
@Lisela36Graham @MintMinge @W_T_F_smh First, I'm very excited to see the discussion happening in this thread. Something y'all may find intriguing. Regarding the push for normalization of pedophilia etc preceding the fall of great civilizations in history, my dad told me what this is all about, why they do it.
@Lisela36Graham @MintMinge @W_T_F_smh He claims (of course) that the "god" they "worship" (aka torture, rape & murder in the name of) is real & coming back, but not until all the world unites (under One World Gov't in their plans) and ACCEPTS THEM because THEY are the only ones fulfilling "god's" true law. SMH.
@Lisela36Graham @MintMinge @W_T_F_smh Because "christians" (which he said with disdain & accusation in his tone) are not as Christian as Luciferians (according to him, see how their "logic" works?) because "Evil doesn't discriminate." In truth, righteously judging evil deeds to be evil & not tolerating them is GOOD.
Read 11 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
Seriously? The complaint is I'm too healthy and articulate to be a survivor? Wow.
For the record, I had to work extremely hard, I had to practice, I had to learn and read and heal myself while in isolation and on the run. I am a formidable mind with a lot of education, 100% faith in God & therefore faith in myself that God will guide me if I just trust my gut.
The cult abuses people in a way that deliberately makes them seem insane & untrustworthy when reporting. I KNEW THIS so I worked VERY hard to overcome ALL of that sabotage programming in order to be able to #SayBraveThings to y'all for the sake of LIFE & HUMANITY ITSELF FFS.
Read 21 tweets
Aug 30th 2018
It's come to my attention that @Bchapman151 is now turning his focus to me & is attempting to dig up dirt. He feigns support for survivors & invokes God to attack people. He is NOT welcome here now because he's doing the devil's work whether he knows it or not. #ByePhoenicia
Fascinating. People like this ALWAYS show their true colors in time. What's even more fascinating is how I always seem to become a target when I not only don't bite on manipulative baiting, but when I point out that the baiting is #MindControl manipulation tactics. Go figure.
I'm not here to pass judgement. If Bill is genuinely trying to help, I feel he's going about it the wrong way. If he's a bad actor, then he's acting exactly as expected. But for me, I have far more important things to focus on than the bickering of small minds about nonsense.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 29th 2018
In-fighting & casting doubt on PEOPLE (rather than neutrally presenting evidence to refute claims) is a tactic meant to divide us: to divide us as a group AND to divide us within ourselves by getting us to doubt our own truth. Be discerning, be mindful & use logic. #HivitesGetLit
#HiviteTactics: Triangulation…

Triangulation is a MANIPULATION TACTIC where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second, thus forming a triangle #ByePhoenicia #QAnon
"Triangulation may manifest itself as a manipulative device to engineer rivalry between two people, known as divide & conquer[1] or playing one (person) against another.[2] "

We've all been guilty of Triangulation at some point in our lives. But it's critical we knock it off now
Read 8 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
We keep imploring the guilty to just come out & #SayBraveThings. Have we considered that maybe the reason they remain so silent & never speak truth is because the whole point is for humanity to CHOOSE good/God through free will with #FAITH (which requires an element of doubt)?
If the guilty were to just out with it all, it would remove the element of doubt. Then everyone would just know, and the opportunity to exercise/demonstrate #FAITH would be immediately removed, along with our free will to choose good/God over evil based on faith, not knowledge.
Instead of harboring resentment & frustration that the guilty always lie & don't admit the truth, why not thank them for helping us come to understand our own purpose in life & free will to choose God/good here on Earth in this lifetime, even & especially in the face of doubt?
Read 8 tweets
Aug 27th 2018
If Trump kills NAFTA in favor of a new agreement with Mexico, it will basically shaft all the #Hivites in Canada, which is where the American Hivites planned to go if the heat gets too hot here. Guess that's not going to be so fun/easy now is it #HangryHngryHivites?
Would't it be f*ing FABULOUS if Trump kills NAFTA, signs new agreement with Mexico that includes funding for the wall & streamlined immigration for Mexican Nationals, and then hikes tariffs & immigration barriers on Canadians who are more likely to be Hivites than Mexicans?!
Read 5 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
1) @SaRaAshcraft or @FionaBa47662575 maybe someone can give me some insight. I recently was talking to my sister, shes the one who got me studying #SRA and the possibility of it influencing our past
2) she told me about an incident she had recently remembered after moving out of the house at 16 and having gotten a new phone # that nobody had.
3) shortly after getting this new number she started getting strange calls. A man with an evil intonation would call and harass her, call her terrible names. She had only recently remembered this happening, but at the time it was terrifying.
Read 17 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
For me, so far in my memory reconstruction, it seems like everything was just mind control; Pavlovian response conditioning through torture. But I remain open to the possibility that "demons" & "Evil entities" may exist. Per the Bible, ALL DEMONS SUBMIT to the power of CHRIST.
And whether these 'Demons' are objectively real ethereal entitles or simply subhuman people doing nasty sh*t to kids here on Earth, either way, invoking the name of Jesus & following Christ is THE WAY to escape this hell on earth. I know because I did it. Thank you God!
If I am ever feeling doubt, wondering if these "witches" are cursing me at any given moment, knowing that they target me on ritual dates with focused malice, I simply say aloud "Demons have no power over me. I am protected by Christ. In the name of Jesus, take a blessing & leave"
Read 39 tweets
Aug 22nd 2018
"Leviathan" as a concept is important to #Hivites. It represents primordial chaos (aka the Goddess before creation, the "creatrix") according to the Bible, & the State of Nature in which man is unbound & unprotected by society/laws, per Thomas Hobbs, a philosopher in the 1650s.
Leviathan is also the name given to a monster that presents the external threat #Hivites maintain is required to unify man against a common enemy for mutual self protection. (Da Alienz anyone?)
Read 23 tweets
Aug 20th 2018
”Michigan has seen enormous numbers of pedophiles arrested in what is either a disturbing coincidence or a connected series of criminal underworld enterprises that prey upon the most innocent Americans of all, the underage & innocent children"

Hint: It's the latter
"The scourge of child porn distribution continues to be eliminated under Trump, which has resulted in over 9K arrests related to human & child-sex trafficking/molestation/porn since @POTUS's inauguration, setting records in victories against the rampant pedophilia in America."
(paraphrased, quote was too long for Twatter)
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Aug 19th 2018
"Define Psychological Projection
A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive&negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others"

"These people are SICK" get it? The truth is killing them. Their supply of human food (CSF, blood, Adrenochrome) is cut off. They are DYING & DESPERATE. They are GOING EXTINCT #ByePhoenicia

#NewQ #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening @POTUS #HivitesGetLit #ItEndsNOW

'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong.
#QAnon Post 1925 Aug 19 2018 13:03:32 EST


But they are PHYSICALLY UNABLE to confess
Read 30 tweets
Aug 17th 2018

"We can't keep on playing this song
We can't move on so we make up
& carry on like nothing's wrong
How long before we face up?
You & I are like oil & water
Clash at every corner
Plain & pure disaster
Why can't we #WalkAway?"


"I will hold you accountable for your actions. Because I exists as well as you, and my will is strong enough to challenge yours now. Your behaviors and mine are mutually exclusive, and that fact can't be avoided for ever."
#ByePhoenicia #TheGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS
#Hivites & #WeThePeople are like Oil & Water. We just don't mix. We cannot ever join together in harmony. The one will always suffocate & isolate the other. "Clash at every corner" It's time for ALL the GOOD people of the world to #WalkAway & decide to finally see & live in TRUTH
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Aug 15th 2018
@BrotmanJustin No. Hivites pre-date Abraham, are matrilineal, & follow Temple of Inanna (Ishtar/Isis/Astarte/Tanit/Moloch). They are hebrews, semitic, yes, but they are the "Jews who aren't Jews" aka the "Synagogue of Satan" - they hide in ALL identities. I do think they may hide as Kohenim tho
@BrotmanJustin They claim to be the keepers of the "true religion" and that Israel (as in the body of people, not the nation state) is the people chosen to "struggle with/against God" Here he meant that Hivites have it right & Isrealites/Jews are being punished for not submitting to this God.
@BrotmanJustin Personally, I am inclined to believe that the Laws of Moses are a direct response to this evil, and that following that Law is a way to avoid falling into their traps & falling prey to #HiviteTactics.

Wherever they hide, they are not that identity, they are def something else.
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Aug 15th 2018
If there were a large bear on the loose in a suburban neighborhood, terrorizing all the residents, mauling & eating the children, the neighbors would f*ing kill it, as in immediately put a bullet in it. That is the Natural Law. #Hivites have tricked us into rejecting Natural Law.
That bear is real. In fact, there's an entire colony of bears wearing human suits, terrorizing all our neighborhoods, endangering all of us, stealing our lives from us, mauling & eating our children. It's time to put those dangerous animals down, for the safety & sake of EVERYONE
I fail to see how #Hivites, Luciferian Occultist Pedovore Serial Killer Rapist Cannibal Human Sacrificers, are any different than these bears. We can't go around shooting them vigilante style, but we can, should & absolutely MUST immediately exercise mechanisms of LAW to END it.
Read 40 tweets

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