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Aug 3rd 2018

60 Minutes of your time WELL SPENT

CIA whisteblower - The #DeepState vs #ShadowGovernment

The @washingtonpost / #WashingtonPost has been owned and controlled by the CIA for 80 years

Watch - Learn - #SOMETHINGBIGTODROP - #Q #Qanon

[2] "The [ #WashingtonPost ] was purchased in a bankruptcy auction in 1933 by the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve's board of governors, Eugene Meyer, who restored the newspaper's health and reputation. "…
[3] " In 1946, Meyer was succeeded as publisher [ of the #WashingtonPost ] by his son-in-law, Philip Graham"

Phillip Graham was a high-ranking member on the Council of Foreign Relations.

And worked with the CIA to feed stories into the WP.…
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