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Aug 27th 2018
141. A la hora del montoneo fashionista jashtaguero, resulta que todos son fulanita o fulanito; hasta el perro son. Pero cuando toca revisar el nivel de responsabilidad personal en el crimen de la #PederastiaEclesiástica, no hay quien se apunte con el #TodosSomosCómplices
143. #Bergoglio da consejos de qué hacer con un hijo homosexual; sin embargo este "Padre espiritual" está atiborrado de hijos espirituales homosexuales -curas-, a los que les solapa sus abusos en contra de seminaristas:

Todo está claro en el enlace del tuit 135 de este hilo.
Read 364 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018

60 Minutes of your time WELL SPENT

CIA whisteblower - The #DeepState vs #ShadowGovernment

The @washingtonpost / #WashingtonPost has been owned and controlled by the CIA for 80 years

Watch - Learn - #SOMETHINGBIGTODROP - #Q #Qanon

[2] "The [ #WashingtonPost ] was purchased in a bankruptcy auction in 1933 by the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve's board of governors, Eugene Meyer, who restored the newspaper's health and reputation. "…
[3] " In 1946, Meyer was succeeded as publisher [ of the #WashingtonPost ] by his son-in-law, Philip Graham"

Phillip Graham was a high-ranking member on the Council of Foreign Relations.

And worked with the CIA to feed stories into the WP.…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 16th 2018
"#Assange is a courageous and fearless publisher who is being persecuted for exposing the atrocities of the corporate state and imperialism"…
«The extradition of the publisher—the maniacal goal of the #US government—would set a legal precedent that would criminalize any journalistic oversight or investigation of the corporate state. It would turn leaks and #whistleblowing into treason»
«If #Assange is extradited to the #UnitedStates and sentenced, The #NewYorkTimes, The #WashingtonPost and every other media organization, no matter how tepid their coverage of the corporate state, would be subject to the same draconian #censorship»
Read 4 tweets
Apr 8th 2018
Early Sunday Morning Q
#MAGA #GreatAwakening #QAnon #TheStorm #QAnonPosts
Apr 8 2018 00:15:40 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c96828 946546
Auth 1st S.
Contact window ok.
Early Sunday Morning Q
#MAGA #GreatAwakening #QAnon #TheStorm #QAnonPosts
Apr 8 2018 00:24:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: c96828 946691
Tracking good.
Relay back channel S-WH-E-P1.
Fly High.
Early Sunday Morning Q
#MAGA #GreatAwakening #QAnon #TheStorm #QAnonPosts
Apr 8 2018 00:48:59 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d6f611 947065
They are trying to start a war.
Public interest shift.
Pullout announcement.
Chem attack.
These people are sick.
Read 65 tweets

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