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May 27th 2018
[1] As @The_War_Economy has pointed out, in the past there has been at least one conference where #AlexanderDowner ( #Downer ) and #StefanHalper had both sat on the panel during the presentation . A+ discovery here..
[2] If they sat on the panel here, it is reasonable to conclude that #Downer and #Halper have met before. Perhaps many times. Perhaps #AlexanderDowner and #StefanHalper go back years !
[3] The topic of the specific session in the conference that #Downer and #Halper were are presenting at is best summarized as the global and economic threat of .... China. He even wrote a book, "The Beijing Consensus" (review below)
Read 10 tweets
Mar 31st 2018
#Probablemente ([#EO]#probable🍀/[#EN]#Probably🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)
Read 357 tweets
Oct 30th 2017
It would be easy for Trump to defect with the codes to Russia during his Asia trip. Think about it. 12 days from now.
Trump needs to be stopped from going to Asia in 12 days. As crazy at that may sound he’s now a potential flight risk #sealedindictments
Think about it. It’s a perfect scenario for DT to defect to Russia. If he has a jet charter somewhere in Asia. Putin/China could take him.
Read 7 tweets

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