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Feb 20th 2018
Ok, this is super odd....

Anti-gun activist David Hogg fumbles through his "recollection" of the shooting on live TV, even going as far as to say "he forgot his line..." #StonemanShooting
His dad is retired now you know why he's desperate to deflect blame
He was also on the news in CA for something else half a year ago....
Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
18: The number of times a firearm has discharged a live round on a school campus in the U.S. in the first 45 days of 2018, according to @Everytown. Enough with the hollow "thoughts and prayers" from lawmakers. We need action. #StonemanShooting
Among the victims, 17 people are confirmed dead and 14 are injured. Others are still missing. #StonemanShooting
The Sandy Hook Massacre should have been a call to action but over 5 years later, here we are again, tweeting about another school shooting. #StonemanShooting
Read 10 tweets
Feb 15th 2018
1) Let me, a Broward schoolteacher near Marjory Stoneman Douglas, give a perspective on school shootings from the inside.
2) Once a year, my co-workers and I are birefed by a LEO on what to do if a gunman enters the school.

Inevitably, we listen to the stories of gun violence at similar schools.

I realize the LEO has given this spiel so much, it's automatic.
3) Rarely, an intimidating stranger will stroll purposefully down the main hallway of a school.

They are either a pissed-off parent, the plainclothes cop you're expected to stop in a drill, or the man who'll orphan your children.

Read 11 tweets
Feb 14th 2018
1/ THREAD: I often get attacked by extremists who see any attempt to improve safety and gun laws as a gun ban. As a gun owner, I believe we should lead efforts to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland ‪1/ THREAD: I often get attacked by extremists who see any attempt to improve safety and gun laws as a gun ban. As a gun owner, I believe we should lead efforts to keep guns out of the hands of people who shouldn't have them‬<br />
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‪#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland‬
2/ No law can stop all crime. What laws do (like laws against running red lights) is give law enforcement a way to enforce and prosecute.

Here are a few ideas to improve safety and gun laws.

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland
3/ Require all transfers via FFL's. Without a background check, non-licensed sellers can't know if a buyer is prohibited from buying a gun. Only 9 states and DC require background checks on private sales of all guns.

#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland ‪3/ Require all transfers via FFL's. Without a background check, non-licensed sellers can't know if a buyer is prohibited from buying a gun. Only 9 states and DC require background checks on private sales of all guns.‬<br />
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‪#StonemanShooting #EnoughIsEnough #GunControl #Parkland‬
Read 14 tweets

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