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Oct 6th 2018
At this point, I hope and pray that change is certain, it has to be. Peace is usually followed by disturbances, departure of evil men by their return. The current leadership don’t appear to be leaders at all. Where has the integrity of an oath gone? Of the people by the people...
God, duty, country, where’s that? How is it that so many of our elected “leaders” have been led say? How is it our last bastion of hope for our democracy been compromised? The compromise of intelligence and integrity truly sickens me. Who can follow a leader with no direction?
Who has not served cannot command. We are not being served by our current leaders. The test of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency. The Supreme Court is supposed to be the epitome of ethics. Ethics must begin at the top.
Read 20 tweets
Sep 24th 2018
Let's just go ahead an debunk that Eshoo hand delivered anything on July 30th, she was getting a new hip that day🤪 #LetterGate
Just need to say a few things about this because I’ve been ranting about #lettergate days. It was was supposedly written by Blasey, why she didn’t sign it nobody knows. WHY so many inconsistencies? July 6th she notified Eshoo’s office..
Yet here Eshoo appears to tell @NewsHour that Ford contacted her office AFTER July 9th, she doesn’t say it but she certainly doesn’t correct it. July 30 letter is delivered to Feinstein in DC... by? Fax? Other reports say by hand. #LetterGate
Read 9 tweets
Sep 5th 2018
Coming up at 1:30pm EST:

Twitter: Transparency and Accountability hearing with Jack.

I'll be live tweeting it. This is the censorship hearing!

10 minute warning! Just enough time to watch Mungo Jerry three times to counterbalance the intense negativity coming with this hearing lol

Mic Check! Soon
Read 153 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
1) Here’s my two cents about being a good citizen and American patriot. And what we can do, going forward.
2) Perhaps the most uncomfortable part of this commentary is acknowledging where the blame goes. It’s us. We sort of disengaged with politics, and well – maybe gave up. I’m not talking everyone here, but many of us put our heads down when Obama got into office.
3) A lot of damage was done during those 8 years . . . and before – including with Both Bushes and Clinton. So, for nearly 30 years we were asleep. NO MORE.
Read 17 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
Defining “Socialist” isn’t hard. You just have to read their work & listen to their leaders

And what you’ll find is frightening

Worse yet, the Dem Socialists of America (DSA) actually has a good shot of gaining power if we don’t wake up & fight back

Let’s read their plan: 1/17
.@DemSocialists want to abolish capitalism and transfer ownership of “essential” industries / related businesses to the govt or worker committees.


“Wealth is a social creation and should be controlled by society as a whole.”

DSA’ers are squishy when defining which industries they’d nationalize. But the list touches every possible business, from food to electronics

Workers would then vote on which role is best for them, similar to the disastrous experiment at Zappos in 2016. (
Read 17 tweets
Jul 11th 2018
This is what the Senate worked on all day in opposition to @POTUS fighting for 🇺🇸(in turn ALL of us) less than 48 hours in. ALL DAY LONG AND THE RESOLUTION DOES NOTHING #Pathetic #TermLimits @GOP @SenateFloor…
Why all the panic about China? One day? No panic for America ever. They are not worried about us. They are worried about China.…
To their credit, the frauds occupying the People's House also managed to bury Obamacare Bailout Inside Health Savings Accounts Bill @WaysandMeansGOP

If you haven't figured it out yet, BOTH parties are infiltrated with traitors.…
Read 3 tweets
Jun 18th 2018
👏Thank you! 🗣#Wakeup #Minnesota 👈 @ChuckGrassley @amyklobuchar
Chuck Grassley is the swamp. Congress is a criminal enterprise and people thinking otherwise are stupid. #TermLimits…👈 #AmyKlobuchar's the facilitator, keeping 'em all in check😏👈#Minnesota #News
...and then there's this👇#Minnesota #ElectionFraud
Read 8 tweets

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