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Oct 1st 2018
And now, #maschinezeit second edition is available for sale. It's a perfect game for your October/Halloween spooky one-shot game.…
Short thread talking about #maschinezeit. Bear with me.
It's a much shorter book than the original. The game was supposed to be good for one-shots. The original took forever to get to the meat of the game. We felt that we had to make the book bigger to appease audiences. This time? Super tight and barebones.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 26th 2018
Today I'm wrapping the final cleanup pass on #ULTRA. If you haven't preordered it yet, it releases in days! Please grab your copy now!…
I am such a child. #ULTRA
Read 4 tweets
Aug 28th 2018
My new novel, ULTRA, is now finished. It's a little longer than I expected, but I think it's real fucking good. I'll be launching preorders September 1st I think. #SanJenaro #MKUltra
This is the first time I've ever done preorders for a novel. So, I'm gonna be BEGGING for support for this one. I'm going to try to get it up in the algorithms. It's weird. It's queer. It's indie. I hope you can help me make it a Big Fucking Deal.
Here's the back cover synopsis for my new book, #ULTRA.
Read 3 tweets

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