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Jan 12th 2018
Here is Jon, her voted leave but now has seen the lies of the #leave campaign become clear & is a #RemainerNow
Respect @jonnywoo34 -so many feel like you! Thanks for speaking out & keep doing so!
Let’s hope MPs have courage to put country before party & start opposing #brexit
Here is #remainernow Jon again with a great post (and mini thread) on his #bregret and how #leavers should look at those still advocating #brexit and ask if they share their values!
Top work @jonnywoo34 keep speaking out, your courage will encourage overs!
I urge people to read this great thread from #remainernow Jon (for more see ⬆️). In it he explains his reasons for voting leave & what he has realised since.
Thanks for taking the time to do this @jonnywoo34 hopefully it can encourage others!
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