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Jul 26th 2018
Preaching Bathsheba and wondering #what2preach? I got you covered 6 ways from Sunday, starting with #WomanistMidrash. You've got to get the book to see what comes between these two paragraphs.…
Here's my Bathsheba and Black Lives Matter sermon (because they still do and it still needs to be said):…
And this one about the end of Bathsheba's story:…
Read 3 tweets
Jul 11th 2018

A few days ago, I chose to be vulnerable and share something intimate about myself in response to @WilGafney's thread containing highlights from her book, #WomanistMidrash (which jumped to the top of my "to buy" list).
What I expected was, perhaps, a few "likes" and re-tweets, and I got those. My hope was that I would be an encouragement to a few people, and I think that happened, too. What I didn't expect was my first experience of being bullied online.
One Twitter user shared my post specifically for the purposes of "siccing his dogs" on me. As a result, over and over, people cursed me, insulted me, made light of things I care about, called me a "heretic," and proclaimed I was destined for hell.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 7th 2018
The biblical writers have more imagination than their readers.
The Bible we use as a Episcopalians and as Christians does not begin with the New Testament.
There is an abundance of feminine and masculine descriptive imagery for God well before father language is introduced.
Read 18 tweets

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