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Jul 31st 2018
It has begun🎯

To everyone who sticks up for me & helps #SayBraveThings so we can all make sure #ItEndsNow THANK YOU!

I may not be back til the dust settles. I appreciate every single one of you. Are you ready to change the world? #QAnon @POTUS #TheGreatAwakening #WWG1WGA #MAGA
I have never in my life been more proud to be an American.
Read 3 tweets
Jul 30th 2018
If any reporter intends to write anything about me, be sure to know what you're saying, & what I'm saying, & what the LAW is re: libel, slander, defamation, & free speech. I am not giving interviews. Everything I have to say is published here publicly for all to see @POTUS #QAnon
@POTUS If you wish to ask me reasonable, respectful questions AFTER you bother to inform yourself on what I've already said, you may do so here, publicly. I will choose if I respond. Note that NO response is also an answer. Choose wisely. #ByePhoenicia #theGreatAwakening #QAnon @POTUS
Read 40 tweets

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