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Aug 22nd 2018
The amount of crap and baseless claims that #AssociatedPress #AP is filling in into the mainstream media is unbelievable, especially regarding #Yemen !
#UAE’s heroic #counterterrorism operations in #Yemen against #AlQaeda are well spoken and praised by the #US Forces; but our friends at #AP are so happy to debunk those live operations and efforts easily !
US Forces and defense sec. didn’t call us the #LittleSparta for no reason; we fought like warriors in the face of #Iran’s terror, presented sacrifices of our men, saved poor #Yemeni children, and rebuilt the south of #Yemen !
#AP needs to learn ...
Read 11 tweets
Aug 3rd 2018
1. The attack on the Hospital and Fishmarket yesterday, which initially was attributed to an airstrike, was denied by Coalition & revealed to be a result of a series of mortar shelling conducted by members of the #Iran-backed #Houthi militia.

Residents in #Hodeidah CONFIRMED.
2. Although we were all skeptical when the coalition denied the airstrikes, all visual images revealed a consistent pattern of mortar shelling. Residents immediately noted that there was no crater or airstrike damage, instead, they uncovered mortar shells. #Yemen
3. I spoke to journalists, residents, and several US military experts who have confirmed to me that this is NOT the type of damage caused by an airstrike. Yemeni military experts noted the same. Below is a picture from #Houthi TV channel inadvertently indicting themselves.
Read 7 tweets

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