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Jun 4th 2018

"Many years ago, the then president of The National Council of Churches warned that the danger of the great religious awakening taking place in our country, might become fanatical and be carried into our political and business life!
"Perhaps this was a fair assessment, that is, if you conflate #Christian #Zionism with religious awakening. Unfortunately, these "fanatical" #Evangelicals have 0 faith in the #Christian religion to which they give empty lip service--while paying homage to those who hate #Christ.
"For lack of faith in the actual #Bible, #Evangelicals make Scofield’ Notes, (Scofield! A drunkard and a con-man allied with the Satanist, Darby) --#Evangelicals have turned Scofield’s NOTES into a DIABOLICAL FORCE in our #national life.
Read 177 tweets
Apr 28th 2018
After 70 years of imperial/neoliberal indoctrination the web of lies is so obviously absurde (9/11, Skripal, WH = ISIS, etc.), that it is dissoluting. The empathetic humanity connects, closes ranks and sends their eternal psychopathic rulers and their lackeys into nowhere land.
The "evil empire" is a lifelong three year old child. I certainly loved my children at that age too, however only because they created not only a surreal mess, but also made steady progress.

A great documentary about psychopathy and society:
The elite invented "democracy" to protect them from the empathetic people. The media are their means for misleading the people sedated by "democracy". This is definitely a bad thing since the people have become educated and the elite almost totally insane.
Read 209 tweets
Nov 18th 2017
01] Thread: What is this world’s Greatest Lie?

Israel. Yes, ISRAEL!

Let’s begin by using simple logic. God changed Jacob’s name to #Israel and he had 12 sons. Joseph’s inheritance was split to his two sons. You have 13 tribes.

02] 10 tribes were scattered in ancient times by the Assyrians. In today’s world, we have the descendants of those 13 tribes, and #God knows who they are. They are not living in Palestine right now, okay? That is number one.

03] Next, there is no excuse for people and especially Christians not to have done their research to know that the #Khazars converted to Babylonian Talmudism which replaced Judaism. These #Khazarians are the #Zionists who took over Palestine and renamed it #Israel.

Read 9 tweets

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