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Jul 19th 2018
Someone made a choice NOT to tell @ODNIgov's #DanCoats that #Putin, the man who attacked our election, has been invited to the U.S. by Trump right before #Midterms2018.

This is the same as if @POTUS44 had invited #OsamabinLaden to the @WhiteHouse for the anniversary of 9/11.
How much more clear can it be that Trump knows how dangerous this is for the U.S.? Trump's outreach to #Putin over his own intelligence staff is that much-touted "shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue" that he always said he could get away with.

Director of National Intelligence #DanCoats informed on stage at #AspenSecurityForum that Trump has invited #Putin to the White House.

"Say that again," he responds.
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