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Oct 1st 2018
The only 5 things we needed:
1) #Aadhaar is legal
2) Don't save Aadhaar#Biometrics or Copy
3) ANY legal entity in India can do an AUTH
4) eKYC only for Govt/Regulated Entities
5) Auth/eKYC record saved by @UIDAI for 180 days
#Aadhaar is legal and not unconstitutional
What constitutes Aadhaar data has to be clear - to me its only Aadhaar Number
& biometrics. My name, Addr, DOB, Sex, Photo are NOT #Aadhaar data-
whether someone got/verified them from UIDAI or not its NOT Aadhaar Data,
its *MY* data!
NOBODY can save Aadhaar#Biometrics or Copy (of Aadhar).
Nobody saves biometrics - non-issue.
The whole reason for the concern of linking came from the common ID number
the 12-digit Aadhaar Number.
Saving a copy of the Aadhaar Letter/Card should also be disallowed.
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