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Jun 2nd 2018
#IIMEC13 - I've spent a week in London helping out at the @Invest_in_ME conference.

This was it's 13th conference, and it's grown from a small meeting to a whole week of talks from researchers/scientists in different stages of their careers... 1/7
#IIMEC13 - There's been a lot of science. A lot of talking. There's been scientists from different #biomedical fields offering their expertise.

The dedication/determination from researchers was very clear throughout.

For some reason, #MEcfs is political minefield... 2/7
#IIMEC13 - The people who suffer from this awful disease have been left to suffer for years by unbelieving professionals, bad advice and charities who are happy not to rock the boat and challenge them.

These sectors don't deserve the publicity. The people who help DO... 3/7
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