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Sure let's make some predictions for the next $crypto bullrun:
1a. GPU-algo PoW chains will have a hell of a time dealing with the sudden hashrate dropoffs from auto-switching to more profitable jobs than $mining, until an equilibrium is found, which will take awhile.
What kind of jobs? ML, AI, rendering, AWS compute competing...
1b. This'll lead to chain attacks whereby fake jobs are posted to deliberately lower a chain's nethash and thus the threshold to attack it.
ASIC PoW networks won't have this substitutability so they won't be vulnerable to this vector.
Read 10 tweets
I'm #sorry...
...I've spent a great deal of time trying to figure out "how" to express this to you all...

...unfortunately, the fact of the matter is, language is completely insufficient in properly illustrating the sort of sentiments that I wish to convey...
...I've never really been at a loss for words, until now. #Ineffable

My family and I have been going through an incredibly serious...ordeal...and, as of yet, no one even knows about it because...well, I never intended for this project to....turn into a...
Read 12 tweets
#IIMEC13 - I've spent a week in London helping out at the @Invest_in_ME conference.

This was it's 13th conference, and it's grown from a small meeting to a whole week of talks from researchers/scientists in different stages of their careers... 1/7
#IIMEC13 - There's been a lot of science. A lot of talking. There's been scientists from different #biomedical fields offering their expertise.

The dedication/determination from researchers was very clear throughout.

For some reason, #MEcfs is political minefield... 2/7
#IIMEC13 - The people who suffer from this awful disease have been left to suffer for years by unbelieving professionals, bad advice and charities who are happy not to rock the boat and challenge them.

These sectors don't deserve the publicity. The people who help DO... 3/7
Read 7 tweets
I feel like driving up some controversy, so how about a thread of Hot Takes/Unpopular Opinions! You know the drill, one like = one take/opinion.

Start easy: the blunt awkwardness/cringe of 'Blurryface' is the point of taking the piss out of Tyler. I stand by my light 9/10.
2. I don't hate Nickelback's 'Dark Horse' - it's easily a record for them at their most tasteless, but the frat-bro swagger of it helps some of their better hooks.
3. 'Fireflies' by Owl City is a genuinely terrific song that captures precocious, starry-eyed wonderment better than few others in the 2000s.

It is SPECTACULARLY lame, but that's why it works.
Read 177 tweets
A brief recap of how the Democrats and Lindsey Graham (a RINO / Left-wing sympathizer) tried to derail DACA and attempted to cause racial divides...
This is the @CBSNews version which spread quickly to the race-baiting @CNN team that had near mental breakdowns over this PRIVATE meeting in the Oval Office where it’s alleged that Trump stated he didn’t want a steady flow of immigrants from “shit hole” nations.
Now let’s just agree that Trump “may” have used that phrase... he said he didn’t, and others in the room didn’t hear it either... but I will concede he may have. So what?? It was a private meeting. But, there’s more...
Read 17 tweets
Protip: Don't tell other people how to feel. Even more so if you have more power & privilege than they 8dax #really??
I generally presume most of us have good intentions-& are oft misunderstood. Here-obviously-my compassion was a misguided mistake:( #sorry
Isn't it hilarious to mock other people's feelings about behavior that many have told you makes them uncomfortable?
Read 60 tweets

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