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Sep 1st 2018
Yesterday I asked my followers to use #FreeBobiWine to protest the #Uganda govt torture of the pop star, charged w/treason. After nearly 24 hr stand-off at airport, midnight last night Bobi + wife were allowed to fly to Boston for medical treatment.…
Once #BobiWine reaches Boston MDs, the damage done to his body will be documented, evidence of torture. Bobi is a singer & Member of Parliament. He + 32 other opposition Parliamentarians were arrested & tortured, as #Museveni clings to his 32-yr reign of power.
The U govt allowed Bobi to leave, but his little children had to remain in Uganda to ensure Bobi's return. To appreciate why musicians & human rts activists worldwide are calling #FreeBobiWine watch his pop hit sweeping African music charts, "Freedom".
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